


第一部分 银联用户服务协议通用条款

第二部分 银联在线支付专用条款

第三部分 银联移动支付专用条款

第四部分 云闪付专用条款

第一部分 银联用户服务协议通用条款









3、您同意,银联有权根据业务发展需要对本协议的内容予以变更,并在银联网站公告,无需另行单独通知您。变更后的协议内容一经公布即代替原来的协议内容,您须定期审阅本协议及其变更后的内容。 若您不同意银联对本协议所作的变更,您应立即停止使用本协议下服务或注销银联账户。若您在本协议内容公告变更后继续使用本协议下服务,表示您已充分阅读、理解并接受修改后的协议内容,也将遵循修改后的协议内容使用本协议下服务。















2、如您的手机丢失或出现资金风险,可以登录云闪付APP通过“我的-设置-安全设置-冻结账户”或者在云闪付APP登录页通过“冻结账户”,依据系统流程冻结账户。冻结后您的账户将被保护,账户资金不可支用。解除冻结前任何人都无法登录。当您确保账户无安全风险,可以登录云闪付APP“立即解冻”或在登录页通过“解冻账户”, 依据系统流程解冻账户。



1、您知悉并同意,银联可以获取并收集您在浏览、注册、登录银联网站或平台、使用本协议下服务以及使用银联卡消费过程中所产生的个人信息、交易数据及其他数据信息(以下简称“用户信息”)。 以上用户信息的收集仅限于为实现并优化银联卡交易,以及改进支付体验所必须的信息。如果您无法提供相关用户信息,您将无法完成账户注册以实现银联卡交易。银联将采取必要、合理的措施确保用户信息的安全。如因您自身原因泄露您的用户信息,因此造成的一切后果由您自行承担,银联对此不承担任何责任。

2、您同意并授权银联及其关联公司在法律法规允许的范围内无偿使用、分析、处理及加工您的用户信息,并且允许银联及其关联公司将您的用户信息转授权并传输给银联成员机构及其他第三方使用、分析、处理及加工, 银联及关联公司将采用符合国家法律法规要求的安全技术和程序(如数据加密通道)与相关方进行本协议项下的授权用户信息交互。本协议项下的用户信息的无偿使用、分析、处理及加工用于银联及关联机构、银联成员机构及其它第三方为您提供服务,银联要求相关方依法合规使用您的用户信息,并对您的信息保密。此外,无论您的用户信息是在何处被收集,您理解并同意您的用户信息可能因为本协议中提到的目的被传输到其他法律管辖区域。










































第二部分 银联在线支付专用条款














3、银联通过您的用户名和密码识别您的指示。在您选择关联银行卡进行支付后,银联将向您关联银行卡的发卡银行发送支付指令,由您的发卡银行验证后从您的银行卡账户扣除或冻结相关款项。 您发出的指令不可撤回或撤销。


5、您在使用银联在线支付进行支付的过程中应当及时登录银联网站查看并确认相关信息并及时进行相关操作, 否则因此导致的任何风险和损失由您自行承担,银联不承担任何责任。























第三部分 银联手机支付专用条款




















a. 银联对所有用户使用转账服务时的转账款项的每天免费转账额度、转账最高限额以及每笔转账最高限额进行了限制,并保留对免费额度、限制种类和限制额度进行无需预告地调整的权利。您在使用转账业务时,还将受到转出卡发卡银行对其单笔转账最高金额和每日累计转账最高金额的限制,具体限额请自行联系相关发卡银行沟通确认。

b. 银联有权随时根据自身业务的发展增加或减少转账所支持的银行以及该行发行的银行卡或存折种类或者调整转账服务的内容,包括但不限于对该服务进行升级、改造、调整收费方式及价格,具体以银联公示的内容为准。您若不能接受相关变更、调整的,应立即停止使用本服务,否则即视为同意。


d. 针对银联提供的转账服务,银联仅负责在页面承诺的时限内向相应银行发送付款指令,由银行按照页面约定时限进行付款操作;银联无法保证在规定时限内一定能够付款到账 (如银联在本应用服务界面提示1小时内到账的,银联将负责在1小时内向银行发送付款指令并由银行协作在1小时的时限内完成付款工作)。因银行方面原因致使到账延误的,银联将在5个工作日内协助您向银行查询并进行处理,但银联对此不承担任何责任。

e. 您理解并同意,您使用本项服务的前提是对该笔转账并不具备很严格的时限要求,同时也不会基于转账延迟而要求银联或银行承担任何责任。若您不能接受本条相关约定,请立即终止使用本转账服务。

f. 您可能收到由于使用转账服务的付款方指示错误而转账到您银行账户的款项,在此情况下您应该根据国家的相关法律的规定和实际情况积极配合处理该笔款项。

g. 因为银联或银行基于国家法律规定或监管机构要求而对您所填写的身份信息或转账资料等进行稽查、审核等原因导致该笔交易需要中止/终止的,您有义务配合银联或银行提供相关证明材料,否则因此导致的所有责任均由您自行承担。



第四部分 云闪付专用条款











1) 您应根据《银联积分规则》(如附件所示)获取及使用通用积分。

2) 银联有权单方对《银联积分规则》不时进行修订。修订后的《银联积分规则》将通过中国银联业务官方网站进行公布,银联无须提前或单独通知您。修订后的《银联积分规则》将于公布之日起生效。

3) 您应根据提供专用积分的商户或银行所公布的相关积分规则(包括其不时的修订)获取及使用专用积分。





1) 优惠券是由商户提供,银联仅提供优惠券获取的平台或代为发放优惠券,您应根据提供优惠券的商户所公告的优惠券使用规则(包括其不时的修订)使用优惠券。

2) 您可以通过以下两种途径获取优惠券:







































2.1 收款码服务


2.1.1 为向您提供收款码服务,及基于交易风险防控之需要,在绑定银行卡的环节,您需要向我们提供或允许我们收集的必要信息为【您的姓名、证件号码、银行卡号、手机号】

2.1.2 您必须在云闪付内完成注册、实名验证及绑定银行卡后,即可开通并使用收款码服务

2.1.3 您理解并同意,收款码服务下的付款具体到账时间取决于各银行的支持情况,因节假日或非工作日以及各个银行的不同要求,资金到账可能存在迟延。

2.1.4 您理解并同意,因触发银行风控政策等原因导致交易失败的,您有义务配合银联向银行提供相关证明材料,向银行确认交易的真实、合法性,否则因此导致的所有责任均由您自行承担, 由于前述原因导致资金被银行止付或延迟到账的,请与您的银行卡发卡银行联系处理。

2.1.5 您理解并同意,受业务发展需要或银行侧服务调整等因素影响,收款码服务的付款限额、支持的银行名单等将不时进行调整,具体以银联正式公告为准。

2.1.6 银联有权就本服务向您收取并不时调整服务费用,具体收费标准银联正式公告为准。当前试点期间暂免服务费。

2.2 二维码支付服务


2.2.1 您可在云闪付内的首页“收付款或付款码”、“扫一扫”等入口进入并使用该服务及查看相关介绍。其中,“付款码支付”指您点击云闪付的“收付款或付款码”即可获取付款码,商家扫描您的付款码即可发起扣款请求,通过银联将扣款请求转发到银行,经由发卡银行从您的银行账户扣款以完成向商户付款。“扫一扫识别二维码支付”指您使用云闪付“扫一扫”扫描收款方二维码后主动发起付款请求,通过银联向发卡银行转发付款请求,经由发卡银行从您的银行账户扣款以完成向商户付款。

2.2.2 为向您提供二维码支付服务,及基于交易风险防控之需要,在绑定银行卡的环节,您需要向我们提供或允许我们收集的必要信息为【您的姓名、身份证号码、银行卡号、手机号】,同时您授权并同意我们可以向您的银行卡开户银行提供【您的姓名、身份证号码、银行卡号、手机号】用以校验确认您的身份,并获取开户银行对您的校验结果。

2.2.3 您在云闪付内完成注册、实名绑卡并设置支付密码后,即可开通并使用二维码支付服务。

2.2.4 您理解并同意,您在免密限额内的交易,使用二维码支付服务时无需验证支付密码或其他交易验证要素即可支付。具体以实际支付页面提示为准。银联有权根据风险防控的需要调整您的免密限额。如交易金额超过免密限额,银联可结合实时风控校验您的支付密码、短信动态验证码或其他交易验证要素以保障您的交易安全。

2.2.5 在使用付款码向商家付款的场景,您可自主选择一张已在云闪付绑定的银行卡作为优先付款方式,银联将优先使用您选定的银行卡进行扣款。如扣款失败,您同意并确认,银联可尝试按次序使用您已在云闪付绑定的其他银行卡完成扣款。

2.3 云闪付控件支付服务


2.3.1 为向您提供控件支付服务,及基于交易风险防控之需要,在绑定银行卡的环节,您需要向我们提供或允许我们收集的必要信息为【您的姓名、身份证号码、银行卡号、手机号】,同时您授权并同意我们可以向您的银行卡开户银行提供【您的姓名、身份证号码、银行卡号、手机号】用以校验确认您的身份,并获取开户银行对您的校验结果。

2.3.2 您在云闪付内完成注册、实名绑卡并设置支付密码后,即可开通并使用云闪付控件支付。

2.3.3 将根据业务规则、发卡银行的要求,由云闪付(或发卡银行)校验您的支付密码(或银行卡密码)、短信动态验证码或其他交易验证要素。对于银联云闪付验证的交易,将结合风控需要来调整您交易时的验证要素。具体以实际支付页面提示为准。

2.4 指纹、面容支付服务


2.4.1 您在云闪付内的指纹/面容支付服务开通页面进行支付密码验证后,或交易中完成支付密码验证后即可开通指纹支付或面容支付功能,具体以实际开通场景提示为准。

2.4.2 您理解并同意,若您开通了云闪付的指纹支付或面容支付功能,在一定额度内,无需校验您的支付密码或短信动态码,将依据您的手机等移动终端设备发出的指纹/面容校验信息,即可按照您或商户的交易指令对您绑定在云闪付内的银行账户进行资金扣划操作。银联有权根据风险防控的需要调整上述额度。如交易金额超过上述额度,银联可结合实时风控校验您的支付密码、短信动态验证码或其他交易验证要素以保障您的交易安全。


3.1 为向您提供本服务,及基于交易风险防控之需要,您需要向银联提供或允许银联收集的信息包含【您的姓名、证件号码、银行卡号、手机号】等信息。同时您授权并同意银联可以向您的银行卡开户银行提供【您的姓名、身份证号码、银行卡号、手机号】用以校验确认您的身份,并获取开户银行对您的校验结果。基于支付风控考虑,银联会采集您的设备、IP等信息。


3.1.1 您为使用本服务而提供的所有信息是真实、合法、正确、完整的,如有变更,应及时告知银联或在对应功能页面进行操作,否则导致的相关后果由您自行承担。

3.1.2 您在使用本服务时,您的姓名及银行卡脱敏信息,将展示在收付款方的账单、交易记录等,以便于收付款方知晓交易信息。

3.1.3 您应妥善保管您的硬件设备、账户信息,包括SIM卡、银行卡信息(卡号及取款密码、有效期等)、云闪付支付密码、短信动态验证码、登录密码、手势密码、付款码(二维码、一维码)信息、生物识别信息(指纹面容、人脸)等。因您未妥善保管设备或泄漏上述信息所导致的经济损失,相关风险及损失将由您自行承担。


4.1 您确认,您的账户登录云闪付,并使用云闪付支付服务时,您的付款指令一经发出,即视为您已确认交易和交易金额,并已不可撤销地发出付款指令,授权我们根据您的指令从您已绑定的银行卡划扣相应款项。您对扣划指令的真实性、有效性承担全部责任。您应当妥善保管您的账户信息、密码、设备信息、手机号等并在有信息变更时及时在云闪付完成更新,若因您泄露个人信息或因未及时更新账户信息而导致的资金损失,需您自行承担。

4.2 您理解并同意,为提升体验,银联结合实时风控,在部分支付场景下(如付款码支付)的一定额度内交易,无需校验您的支付密码即可根据商户、收款方的交易指令对您已绑定的银行卡账户发起扣款操作。

4.3 如您已自主设置扣款顺序,银联将按照您设置的扣款顺序向您提供服务,但银行卡支付失败、及经您另外确认扣款顺序的场景除外; 如您未设置扣款顺序,为了您的支付体验,银联系统可根据您的支付习惯等因素自动生成扣款顺序。


4.4 您承诺在使用云闪付支付服务时,应遵守国家法律、法规和银行、银联的相关协议约定以及社会公共利益或公共道德,不得将本服务用于非法活动或利用本服务从事任何侵害他人合法权益之行为,否则银联有权在不事先通知您的情况下暂停或终止向您提供本服务或本服务的任何部分,因此给您造成的任何损失,银联不承担任何责任。

4.5 您应保证就本服务所提供、填写的姓名、联系方式、银行卡卡号等信息资料真实、准确、完整、有效,且均系您本人信息。对于因您提供信息不真实或不完整所造成的损失及责任应由您自行承担且银联有权要求您立即予以停止、纠正该等行为或不经通知直接暂停、拒绝相关款项的处理。

4.6 你确认,银联有权根据风险监控情况、发卡银行要求或相关法律法规要求对您开通、使用的支付功能进行限制,包括但不限于拒绝开通、降低日交易限额和次数、暂停或关停相应支付功能,如有此导致您相关损失,银联无须承担有关责任。

4.7 您确认银联仅就云闪付支付服务提供技术支持及转接清算服务,具体而言,银联作为被授权指令的执行方和信息传递方, 除非银联未能依据相应指令进行操作或信息传递有误,否则银联对云闪付支付服务产生的损失免于承担责任。

4.8 您在使用本服务过程中与商户就其提供的商品或服务、以及会员服务、权益产生的任何争议或纠纷与银联无关,您应与商户自行协商解决。

4.9 因您绑定的银行卡状态异常,包括但不限于卡片被挂失、冻结、变更、注销,或卡内余额不足等导致交易扣款失败的,请联系您的发卡银行处理。


5.1 您知悉并同意银联不就下列原因对您产生的任何损害承担责任, 包括但不限于直接损失和间接损失、名誉和声誉损害以及精神损害:







5.2 如您发现有他人冒用或盗用您相关个人信息或任何其他未经合法授权使用您所开通云闪付支付服务时,应立即以书面或其他有效的形式通知银联并要求银联暂停服务,以避免或者减少可能发生的损失。银联将积极响应您的要求,若您未及时通知我们,银联不承担任何责任。您理解,银联对您的请求采取行动需要合理期限,在此之前,银联对已执行的指令及导致的您的损失不承担任何责任。

UnionPay User Service Agreement

The two parties to this Service Agreement are China UnionPay Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "UnionPay") and the cardholder who intends to register as a UnionPay user (hereinafter referred to as "you"). You shall read the entire content of this Agreement carefully, and pay particular attention to the words in bold. The validity of this Agreement applies to all services UnionPay provides to you hereunder.

Table of Contents

Section 1 UnionPay User Service Agreement - General Terms and Conditions

Section 2 UnionPay Online Payment - Specific Terms and Conditions

Section 3 UnionPay Mobile Payment - Specific Terms and Conditions

Section 4 UnionPay APP - Specific Terms and Conditions

Section 1 UnionPay User Services Agreement - General Terms and Conditions
I. Definitions

1. “UnionPay User” refers to a cardholder who has successfully registered a UnionPay account on the UnionPay website or by way of other channels authorized by UnionPay. A user who did not register by way of the UnionPay website or related platforms but, in accordance with an agreement between UnionPay and a participating merchant, has used the account of the participating merchant to login and use UnionPay's products and services is deemed a UnionPay User during the period of cooperation between UnionPay and the said merchant.

2. “UnionPay Account” refers to the relevant electronic account generated by the system after a UnionPay User has made a successful registration. The said account is used, inter alia, to store relevant personal information and related bank card information of the User, as well as information necessary for using UnionPay services.

3. “Link a bank card” refers to your act of linking your bank card number with your registered UnionPay Account after you register to become a UnionPay User.

4. "General Terms and Conditions" refers to the terms and conditions applicable to all services provided by UnionPay hereunder.

5. "Specific Terms and Conditions" refers to the terms and conditions applicable to specific services provided by UnionPay.

II. Representations and Warranties

1. You acknowledge that prior to registering to become a UnionPay User, you have thoroughly read, understood and accepted the entire content of this Agreement. You, by ticking "Agree", indicate that you acknowledge that you fully understand, fully accept, and provide your consent to the entire content of this Agreement.

2. You acknowledge that when you agree to accept this Agreement and apply to register as a UnionPay User, you have full capacity for civil rights and full capacity for civil conduct, and are able to independently assume civil liability. The content of this Agreement shall not be subject to the exclusion of the laws of your domicile country or territory. If you do not meet the aforesaid conditions, you shall immediately cease to apply to use this service.

3、You agree that UnionPay has the right to revise the content of this Agreement according to business development requirements, and may make announcements on the UnionPay website without having to inform you separately and personally. The revised content of the Agreement, once announced, shall supersede the original content of the Agreement. You shall regularly review this Agreement and its revised content. If you do not agree to the revision made on this Agreement by UnionPay, you shall immediately cease to use the services hereunder or cancel your UnionPay account. If you continue to use the services hereunder after the revised content of this Agreement is announced, it indicates that you have thoroughly read and understood, and have accepted the revised content of this Agreement, and shall adhere to the revised content of the Agreement when using the services hereunder.

4. You acknowledge and agree that in the course of using these services, any controversy or dispute you have with a merchant resulting from the latter's provision of a product or service is unrelated to UnionPay, and you shall consult and resolve the said controversy or dispute with the merchant on your own.

5. You know and agree that, when you’re a UnionPay User, UnionPay will provide relevant push services to you by way of such channels as your UnionPay account and your mobile phone number linked to such account according to different user characteristics. Push information shall include but not be limited to information on services, discounts, activities and privileges of various UnionPay businesses. Among them, commercial short messages (short messages used for introducing and recommending products or commercial investment opportunities) are generally pushed no more than 8 times a month. If you don’t agree UnionPay pushing the said commercial short messages to you, you may call 95516 or go to “My Account - Privacy Settings - Commercial SMS Management” of the UnionPay App or “UnionPay+ - My Account - Message Management” to remove the said push service. Such removal will take effect within 24 hours. After the said push service is removed, you will no longer receive any commercial short message pushed by UnionPay to you, but in order to ensure the security of your account and transactions, the notification SMS messages about transaction authentication code and business reminders will not be affected. If necessary, you may call 95516 or go to “My Account - Privacy Settings - Commercial SMS Management” of the UnionPay App or “UnionPay+ - My Account - Message Management” to restart the said commercial short message push service.

6. You acknowledge that you have already, in accordance with UnionPay's reminders, fully understood and agreed to the terms and conditions in this Agreement pertaining to exemption and limitation of UnionPay's liability which may increase your liability or exclude your rights.

III. Rules for UnionPay Accounts
(1) Obtaining an Account

1. After you have successfully registered for a UnionPay account, UnionPay will grant you the right to use your UnionPay account. Ownership of the UnionPay account belongs to UnionPay. The UnionPay account is for your personal use only. You are prohibited from gifting, lending, renting, transferring or selling the said account; otherwise, you shall bear any loss arising therefrom personally; and UnionPay has the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate the use of the said UnionPay account.

2. You shall guarantee that the information you provided at the time of registration as a UnionPay User is your own information, and shall guarantee that the information is authentic, accurate and complete; otherwise, you shall bear all consequences arising therefrom personally without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

3. In the event of a change in the personal information you provided at the time of registration as a UnionPay User, you shall promptly login to the UnionPay Account to update your personal information; otherwise, you shall bear all consequences arising therefrom personally without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

(2) Use of an Account

1. After you have successfully registered as a UnionPay User, you may login to UnionPay's website and all service platforms of UnionPay. However, prior to using the services provided by UnionPay hereunder, you are required to carefully read the Specific Terms and Conditions of the said services, and fill in all relevant information according to the requirements; otherwise, you may not be able to use the said services.

2. You shall safeguard the user ID and password of your UnionPay Account, and change the password regularly so as to ensure the security of your UnionPay Account. In the event that you fail to safeguard or regularly change your password resulting in your UnionPay Account being illegally used by another, you shall bear all the consequences arising therefrom personally without claiming any liability to UnionPay.

3. You know and agree that it is impossible for UnionPay to verify the person using your UnionPay Account given the characteristics of the network. Therefore, any action carried out via your UnionPay Account on the UnionPay website as well as the services and product platforms is deemed to have been performed by you, and you shall bear all the consequences arising therefrom. If you discover that your UnionPay Account has been maliciously used, you shall promptly notify UnionPay so that UnionPay may adopt measures such as freezing your account to protect your rights. You understand and agree that your request to UnionPay to freeze your account requires a reasonable period of time to execute. UnionPay shall not be liable for any loss incurred prior to the freezing of your account.

4. You know and agree that UnionPay may cooperate with relevant merchants to help you use your UnionPay Account to login to relevant merchant platforms. Logging in to a merchant’s platform means that you agree to the relevant requirements and provisions that the said merchant have for its users. Any dispute arising between you and a merchant shall be discussed and resolved between you and the merchant on your own without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

(3) Freezing and Cancellation of an Account

1. In the event that you do not wish to continue to use the UnionPay Account, you may call the UnionPay customer hotline at 95516 to request for a cancellation or directly login to the UnionPay App to complete the self-service cancellation through “My Account - Settings - Security Settings - Cancel Account” according to the system process. Upon cancellation, all the rights you had obtained by way of UnionPay but have yet to use will become invalid. At the same time, you will not be able to continue to use all the services provided by UnionPay hereunder. After you cancel your account, UnionPay will stop providing you with products and/or services, and will, according to your requirements, delete or anonymize your personal information unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. At that time, you will not be able to login to or authenticate the payment gateway, merchant accounts and web portal. In the event that you do not wish to open or continue to use a particular service provided by UnionPay, you may call the UnionPay customer hotline at 95516 to close or stop the said service.

2. If your mobile phone is lost or there is a financial risk, you can login to the UnionPay App to freeze the account through “My Account - Settings - Security Settings - Freeze Account” or through the “Freeze Account” on login page of the UnionPay App according to the system process. After freezing, your account will be protected, and the fund in the account will not be available. No one can login before the lift of freezing. When you confirm that there is no security risk in your account, you can login the UnionPay App to defreeze the account through “Immediately Defreeze” or through the “Defreeze Account” on the login page according to the system process.

3. Should your conduct in any way violates this Agreement or laws and regulations, you shall bear all legal liabilities. At the same time, UnionPay has the right to cease to provide you with the services hereunder, and may unilaterally freeze or cancel your UnionPay account; you shall assume any risk and loss arising therefrom personally without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

IV. Use of User Information

1. You know and agree that UnionPay may obtain and collect your personal information, transaction data and other data and information (hereinafter referred to as “User Information”) generated while browsing, registering on, and logging in to the UnionPay website or platform, using the services hereunder and using the UnionPay card for purchases. The collection of such User Information shall be related to fulfilling and optimizing UnionPay card transactions and providing information required in improvement of payment experience. If you fail to supply such User Information, you will be unable to complete the registration for UnionPay Account for the purposes of completing UnionPay card transactions. UnionPay shall adopt necessary and reasonable measures to ensure the security of User Information. In the event that the divulging of your User Information is due to reasons attributable to you, you shall bear all consequences arising therefrom personally without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

2. You agree, consent, and authorize UnionPay and its affiliated companies to use, analyze, handle and process your User Information free of charge within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, and permit UnionPay and its affiliated companies to transfer the authorization for your User Information to UnionPay members and other third parties to use, analyze, handle and process. UnionPay and its affiliated companies will use security technologies and procedures (such as data encryption channels) that meet the requirements of state laws and regulations to exchange authorized User Information with relevant parties hereunder. User Information hereunder is used, analyzed, handled and processed by UnionPay and its affiliated companies, UnionPay members and other third parties free of charge to provide services to you. UnionPay requires relevant parties to use your User Information in accordance with the law and to keep your information confidential. Furthermore, no matter where your User Information is collected, you agree and consent that such User Information may be transferred outside of such legal jurisdiction and to any other legal jurisdiction for the purposes stated within this Agreement.

3. You agree and authorize UnionPay to transmit your relevant User Information to your card issuing bank and allow UnionPay to interact and process your User Information with the issuing bank according to the business or service you choose to open on your own initiative, or provide your registered user account to a third-party cooperative institution for real-name authentication and other purposes to meet the relevant business needs and your service needs.

4. UnionPay shall not publicly disclose or provide to any third party your User Information except under the following circumstances:

(1) Your authorization has been received according to the provisions of this Agreement;

(2) As required by relevant laws and regulations;

(3) As required by competent government authorities or judicial bodies;

(4) For the protection of public interest.

5. You shall have the right to make applicable data access requests, data correction requests, and requests for erasure of personal data to UnionPay under applicable law.

V. Limitations on Use of Services by Users

1. When using these services, you shall adhere to the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China or of the country or region where you’re located. You may not use these services for any illegal purpose nor in any illegal manner. In the event of the following situations, UnionPay has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of these services, in whole or in part, to you without having to inform you in advance, and UnionPay shall not be liable for any resultant losses incurred by you arising therefrom :

(1) UnionPay deems that you have violated prohibitions prescribed by laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement;

(2) UnionPay has found unusual transactions, or deems that there is a possibility that the transactions contain risks or violate provisions of laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement.

2. You may not use these services to engage in the following conduct that infringes the legal rights of others, otherwise UnionPay has the right to refuse to provide you services, and you shall bear all legal liability arising therefrom. Should the following conduct causes UnionPay or related parties to sustain any loss, you shall be liable for the corresponding damages according to the law. Relevant conduct includes but is not limited to:

(1) Infringing UnionPay’s and/or any third party’s reputation right, privacy rights, commercial secrets, trademark, copyright, patent and other personal and property rights;

(2) Violating statutory confidentiality obligations or confidentiality obligations prescribed in this Agreement;

(3) Assuming the identity of any third party to use these services;

(4) Engaging in unlawful trade practices such as money laundering, cashing out, identity theft, fraud, involvement in drugs, gambling or pornography, as well as other transactions for which UnionPay or regulators deem services provided herein shall not be used;

(5) Using a stolen or forged UnionPay Account or an invalid UnionPay Account to carry out transactions;

(6) Using the UnionPay card in violation of the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Business;

(7) Carrying out a transaction inconsistent with the transaction content declared by the counterparty, or a false transaction without real transaction background;

(8) Engaging in any act that may involve computer viruses or that may harm this service system;

(9) Other conducts UnionPay justifiably deems to be inappropriate.

VI. Exemptions

1. The services UnionPay provides to you shall only be provided as is. UnionPay will not provide any express or implied guarantee.

2. You know and agree that UnionPay shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the following reasons, including but not limited to direct losses as well as indirect losses, loss of reputation and prestige, and mental distress:

(1) UnionPay is unable to provide these services normally as a result of the merchant or the bank;

(2) Telecommunication equipment or power system malfunction, or failure or delay in service caused by other third parties;

(3) Services are unable to be provided normally during the period of system shutdown for maintenance purposes as announced by UnionPay on the UnionPay website;

(4) Computer or mobile phone viruses, attacks by hackers, system instability, location of the user, switching off of equipment by the user, and other network, technology and communication connection reasons resulting in the service terminal falling short of user requirements;

(5) Force majeure: including but not limited to war, floods, fire, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, government action and all other unforeseen, unavoidable and insurmountable objective events;

(6) Losses caused by you and losses resulting from other mistakes not attributable to UnionPay.

VII. Intellectual Property

1. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of any UnionPay design, script, image, chart, audio, video, terminal software, and other information, material or code of UnionPay shall be owned by UnionPay. You may not reproduce, use or otherwise use the same without the written consent of UnionPay, unless such reproduction or use is for the purpose of using these services stipulated hereunder.

2. "UnionPay", "UnionPay Online Payment", "UnionPay Mobile Payment", "UnionPay App", "UnionPay and the UnionPay tricolor diagram", "UnionPay, and 银联 and tricolor diagram" as well as any other script, diagram and other visual marks used to identify China UnionPay and relevant businesses are trademarks owned by UnionPay. UnionPay enjoys trademark rights to the aforesaid marks and such rights are protected by law. Without prior written consent from UnionPay, you may not alter, reproduce, register, or otherwise use the aforesaid trademarks.

3. You may not, in the course of using relevant UnionPay services, infringe the lawful rights of UnionPay or any third party; otherwise, you shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.

VIII. Entire Agreement

This Agreement comprises the text and appendices of this Agreement, as well as the terms of use, rules, guidelines and other public notices and announcements already issued or to be issued in the future by UnionPay.

IX. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement as well as any dispute arising out of your use of China UnionPay products and services shall be resolved by the two parties through amicable negotiation; if the negotiation fails, such dispute shall be submitted to Shanghai Arbitration Commission for resolution in accordance with the rules of the commission. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the Parties.

X. Miscellaneous

1. If any of the provisions of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.

2. Where the Specific Terms and Conditions of this Agreement contains applicable provisions, the provisions in the Specific Terms and Conditions shall apply. Where the Specific Terms and Conditions contains no applicable provisions, the provisions in the General Terms and Conditions shall apply.

Section 2 UnionPay Online Payment - Specific Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions and Interpretation

1. "UnionPay Online Payment" refers to the payment service UnionPay provides to you after the verification of your identity has been completed according to the operating rules of UnionPay or as required by the issuing bank's internet banking payment product in which the issuing bank carries out payment to a merchant from funds in your UnionPay card account based on your payment instructions transmitted by UnionPay.

2. "Small Temporary Payment" refers to a method of payment within a certain valid period and amount which is activated by UnionPay as agreed by your issuing bank provided that the other verification information you entered has passed the verification by your issuing bank for your debit card which was not found of any mobile phone number recorded in your issuing bank during the activation stage, and with which, in the subsequent payment, you need only key in the card number and SMS verification code on the merchant's page to complete payment within the valid period and amount upon successful verification.

3. "Activation of service" refers to the process of your using the UnionPay Online Payment service for the first time whereby after providing key verification information on the UnionPay website or channels authorized by UnionPay or the issuing bank (including but not limited to SMS and telephone), an application for activation of service is filed with your issuing bank; upon successful verification by your issuing bank, your UnionPay Online Payment service is activated.

4. "UnionPay U Points" refer to the proof of privileges UnionPay provides to you after you register to become a UnionPay User and link a bank card and when you subsequently use the UnionPay Online Payment service. UnionPay shall provide corresponding discounts and privileges based on the number of U points you use.

5. "UnionPay U Point Rules" refer to the rules issued by UnionPay on the UnionPay website pertaining to relevant services associated with the issuance and use of UnionPay U Points.

6. "Value-added Services" refer to the push privilege information and other relevant services that UnionPay provides to you according to your transaction and consumption requirements by way of the UnionPay website, SMS platform, mail platform or telephone platform after you have registered for a UnionPay Account or activated the UnionPay Online Payment service.

7. "Value-added Rights" refer to the value-added rights or interests such as points and discount vouchers provided to you by UnionPay or organizations with a cooperation relationship with UnionPay.

II. Declarations and Undertakings

You understand and know that UnionPay is only responsible for providing an information transmission channel for you to use the UnionPay Online Payment service to pass on information for you and your issuing bank. During the payment process, you shall continue to adhere to the announcements and regulations issued by your issuing bank or the agreement you have entered into which is relevant to UnionPay online payment services. Please contact your issuing bank promptly should you have any queries concerning the flow or condition of your funds in the bank card.

III. Rules for Use of Services

For the purpose of effectively ensuring your legal rights when you login to the UnionPay Online Payment account to carry out transactions, you understand and agree to accept the following rules:

1. After registering for a UnionPay account, you may login and browse the content of the UnionPay website, but your account shall not as yet be equipped with the payment function. Only after you have logged in to the UnionPay Account and successfully linked the bank card are you able to use the UnionPay Online Payment function to effect payment. Your act of linking the bank card indicates that you agree to activate the UnionPay Online Payment function.

2. UnionPay shall provide supporting services to assist you in linking bank card only according to the authorization of your issuing bank. Given that risks could exist in linking bank card itself, you shall fully understand and assume the relevant risks personally.

3、UnionPay identifies your instructions by way of your user ID and password. After you have selected the related bank card for payment, UnionPay shall send payment instructions to the issuing bank of your related bank card. Upon verification by your issuing bank, the relevant amount shall be deducted from or frozen in your bank card account. The instructions issued by you can not be withdrawn or rescinded.

4. The payment services provided by UnionPay are constrained by the condition of your linked bank card. In the event that your card is unable to be used because the said card was reported to be lost or ceased payment or for other reasons, the relevant service will be terminated automatically. UnionPay shall recommence the provision of the corresponding service(s) only when the condition of your linked bank card returns to normal and application is re-filed.

5、When effecting payment by way of UnionPay Online Payment, you shall promptly login to the UnionPay website to check and acknowledge the relevant information, and promptly execute the relevant operations; otherwise, you shall assume any risk and loss arising therefrom personally without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

IV. Rules for Activation of Service

1. If you have not registered for a UnionPay Account but require the use of the UnionPay Online Payment function to effect payment, you’ll have to activate the service. You shall provide relevant key verification information as required and submit activation application instructions. UnionPay shall issue an activation request to the issuing bank of your bank card according to your instructions.

2. In the process of activating the service, you shall safeguard your bank card information, identity information and mobile phone information (including the content of the SMS verification code), and may not pass on or divulge your bank card information, identity information and mobile phone information (including the content of the SMS verification code) to any third party; otherwise, you shall assume any risk and loss personally arising therefrom. If you need to change the mobile phone number linked to your bank card number, you may reset based on the documents and bank card required by your issuing bank by way of the channels designated by the issuing bank, including but not limited to bank counters, self-service terminals, internet banking, phone banking and other methods.

3. After the service is activated, you may apply to cancel the function of the said service by way of the UnionPay website or other channels permitted by the issuing bank of your bank card.

V. UnionPay U Points

1. When you use this service, UnionPay shall grant you UnionPay U Points by different means. UnionPay U Points do not have cash value. Regardless of the way you obtain UnionPay U Points, you may not use UnionPay U Points to exchange for any cash or money.

2. UnionPay U Points do not possess any property characteristics, and are not property over which you have ownership rights. If UnionPay suspects that in the process of your obtaining and/or using UnionPay U Points, there are acts of fraud, abuse, suspicion of being stolen or other conduct UnionPay deems to be improper, UnionPay will have the right to unilaterally adjust, restrict, cancel or terminate your U Points or the use of U Points without having to ask for your permission.

3. You only have the right to use the UnionPay U Points obtained to offset against the price of a product or service in the subsequent payment process according to the rules governing UnionPay U Points.

4. Once UnionPay U Points are used, a difference will occur between your transaction information and the raw information at the merchant's end. You shall not, as a result of using UnionPay U Points, have doubts about the transaction information, and refuse to acknowledge the authenticity of the relevant transaction.

5. When using Value-added Rights, UnionPay shall convert your Value-added Rights into U Points. The specific rules of use shall be based on the Rules for Using UnionPay's Value-added Rights announced on UnionPay’s web portal.

VI. Limitations on Use of Services by Users

1. After Small Temporary Payment is activated, based on the assessment for your or the merchant’s risk profile, UnionPay has the right to adjust a single transaction limit in a single card or the cumulative transaction limit in a single card, as well as adjust the valid period of Small Temporary Payment, and even close the Small Temporary Payment service.

2. In the event that you have not recorded your mobile phone number by way of the service channels supported by the issuing bank during the Small Temporary Payment valid period or activated the service by way of your issuing bank or UnionPay channels, UnionPay has the right to close your Small Temporary Payment authority when the valid period expires.

VII. Exemptions

UnionPay shall not be liable for any losses resulting from mistakes you made on your own. Such mistakes include but are not limited to:

1. Loss of your mobile phone or error in the mobile phone number you provided;

2. During the payment process, unverified transaction information caused the transaction for which you are paying to be different from the transaction you originally intend to carry out;

3. You did not operate according to the content of this Agreement or the operating prompts of the web portal, or you fail to promptly amend your password causing the password to be deciphered by another;

4. You did not properly keep your UnionPay Online Payment account information, bank card information, identity information or mobile phone information (including the SMS verification code) causing the divulging of the said information.

VIII. Miscellaneous

1. “Activation of Service”, “Link the bank card”, “Small Temporary Payment”, “UnionPay U Points”, “UnionPay U Point Rules” and other functions or services in these Specific Terms and Conditions as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the UnionPay User Service Agreement do not apply to the UnionPay Online Payment service for overseas UnionPay cards for the time being.

2. In order to ensure the security of fund in your bank card, you need to confirm the followings: The mobile phone number provided by me is my effective contact method; I agree and authorize UnionPay to inquire and verify the city/region information when opening an account, linking a card and carrying out transactions to the third parties including relevant telecommunication operators from the date of service acceptance. At the same time, I agree that the third parties including relevant telecommunication operators could feed back the aforesaid verification results to UnionPay for the verification of identity and location information, and the risk assessment, identification and control of transactions, and that UnionPay retains relevant information.

Section 3 UnionPay Mobile Payment - Specific Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions and Interpretation

1. "UnionPay Mobile Payment" refers to the payment service UnionPay provides to you after the verification of your identity has been completed according to the operating rules of UnionPay in which the issuing bank carries out payment to a merchant from funds in your UnionPay card account based on your payment instructions transmitted by UnionPay.

2. “UnionPay Mobile Security Payment Control” refers to the application program component embedded in the merchant’s mobile customer terminal for the purpose of providing a secure payment environment and creating a seamless shopping payment flow that meets customer payment, inquiry and other needs.

3. "UnionPay Mobile Payment Customer Terminal" is the consolidation of rich online-offline resources by UnionPay for the purpose of creating a secure and fast remote payment product that supports applications of various content covering, financial services, convenience services, recreation and entertainment, business travel services, and mobile phone shopping platforms.

4. "Financial Smart Card" refers to the built-in storage card or SIM card of the financial payment security microchip.

5. "Small Temporary Payment" refers to a method of payment within a certain valid period and amount which is activated by UnionPay as agreed by your issuing bank provided that the other verification information you entered has passed the verification by your issuing bank for your debit card which was not found of any mobile phone number recorded in your issuing bank during the activation stage, and with which, in the subsequent payment, you need only key in the card number and SMS verification code on the merchant's page to complete payment within the valid period and amount upon successful verification.

6. "Activation of service" refers to the process of your using the UnionPay Mobile Payment service for the first time whereby after providing key verification information on the UnionPay website or channels authorized by UnionPay or the issuing bank (including but not limited to SMS and telephone), an application for activation of service is filed with your issuing bank; upon successful verification by your issuing bank, your UnionPay Mobile Payment service is activated.

7. "Value-added Services" refer to the push privilege information and other relevant services that UnionPay provides to you according to your transaction and consumption requirements by way of the UnionPay mobile payment customer terminal, SMS platform, mail platform or telephone platform after you have registered for a UnionPay Account or activated the UnionPay Mobile Payment service.

8. "Value-added Rights" refer to the value-added rights or interests such as UnionPay points provided to you by UnionPay.

II. Scope of Use

You may use the UnionPay Mobile Payment service from the mobile phone or at the UnionPay Mobile Payment Customer Terminal carried by other digital terminals, or in the customer terminal of participating merchants of UnionPay Mobile Payment.

III. Terms of Use

1. The Financial Smart Storage Card may not be formatted by way of the computer or mobile phone; otherwise, the UnionPay Mobile Payment software application shall be affected. If you accidentally carried out formatting, please approach a card opening point for repairs.

2. After changing your mobile phone number, please promptly change the mobile phone number by way of channels designated by the issuing bank; otherwise, you shall assume any loss and liability personally arising therefrom.

3. Telephone expenses and network fees related to this service shall be borne by you personally. Payment in arrears shall result in this service’s functioning abnormally. Please keep in mind to pay for the telephone expenses and network fees promptly and timely.

4. Any risk and liability arising from your transfer or authorization of another to use your Financial Smart Storage Card shall be borne by you personally, without claiming any liability from UnionPay.

5. You may not use any technological or other measures to damage and disrupt the normal functioning of the UnionPay Mobile Payment platform program.

6. Reminders concerning super funds transfer application:

(1) Funds transfer: refers to the service provided by UnionPay together with its partnership banks which allows the payer to transfer funds in its debit card and semi credit card (other than credit card) to the payee's bank debit card, passbook account or business account designated by the payer.

(2) Your use of this service shall be based on your full understanding of the payee (payer) (including but not limited to the true identity of the other party and the exact bank card number). Given that risks may exist in this service, when using the funds transfer service, you understand and accept that:

a. UnionPay has set a restriction on the maximum amount of the daily funds transfer which is free of service fee, the maximum amount of funds transfer limit as well as the maximum limit of each fund-transfer amount for all users when they’re using the funds transfer service, and retains the right to adjust the free limit, restricted categories and funds limits without prior notice. When using the funds transfer service, you shall be subject to restrictions on the maximum amount of a single funds transfer and the daily maximum cumulative funds transfer limit imposed by the card issuing bank. Please contact the relevant issuing bank to acknowledge the specific limits on your own.

b. UnionPay, in accordance with its own business development, has the right at any time to increase or decrease the banks funds transfer support for banks and the bank cards or passbook categories issued by supported banks, or to adjust the content of the funds transfer service, including but not limited to upgrading and transforming the said service, as well as adjusting the fee collection method and schedule, the specifics of which shall be based on the content publicized by UnionPay. If you are unable to accept the relevant changes or adjustments, you shall immediately cease to use this service failing which you shall be deemed to have agreed to the aforesaid.

c. Once you use the funds transfer service to carry out funds transfers, you shall personally bear the risk resulting from mistakes in your instructions. UnionPay, after completing the submission of the funds transfer instruction based on the payee you instructed and according to the provisions of this Agreement, shall be deemed to have completed the current service obligation. UnionPay shall not be liable for any dispute between the payer and the payee arising from the current funds transfer nor shall it provide the means to resolve the dispute in any form. You shall handle the relevant dispute on your own.

d. As regards the funds transfer service provided by UnionPay, UnionPay is only responsible for sending payment instructions to the corresponding bank within the deadline agreed on the page, and that the bank shall effect payment based on the deadline stipulated on the page. UnionPay is unable to guarantee that payment shall be definitely credited into the account within a specific deadline (if UnionPay prompts on this application service interface that funds will be credited within one hour, UnionPay shall be responsible for sending the payment instructions to the bank within one hour and with the collaboration of the bank, complete the payment within the one-hour deadline). In the event that a delay in the crediting of funds is caused by the bank, UnionPay shall assist you in inquiring and handling the issue with the bank within five working days but UnionPay shall not be subject to any liability arising therefrom.

e. You understand and agree that the premise for using this service is that you do not have strict deadline requirements concerning this funds transfer. At the same time, you shall not claim UnionPay or the bank to bear any liability as a result of a delay in funds transfer. If you are unable to accept the relevant provisions herein, please immediately terminate the use of this funds transfer service.

f. You may receive funds transferred to your bank account owing to erroneous instructions given by a payer using the funds transfer service. Under these circumstances, you shall actively cooperate to handle such funds according to requirements of relevant laws of the State and the prevailing situation.

g. In the event that any check and verification conducted by UnionPay or a bank on, inter alia, the identity information or funds transfer information you have filled out pursuant to requirements of State laws or requirements of regulators cause such transfer to be discontinued/terminated, you have the obligation to cooperate with UnionPay or the bank to provide relevant proof; otherwise, you shall bear all liabilities arising therefrom personally.

IV. Miscellaneous

Please refer to the Specific Terms and Conditions of UnionPay Online Payment for implementation of matters not prescribed in these Specific Terms and Conditions. At this time, UnionPay Mobile Payment has yet to commence UnionPay U Point services. Terms and conditions related to UnionPay U Points in the Specific Terms and Conditions of UnionPay Online Payment are not applicable for the time being.

Section 4 UnionPay App - Specific Terms and Conditions
I. Definitions and Declarations

“UnionPay App" refers to the cardholder service platform where UnionPay directly faces the cardholder to provide points, discount vouchers, electronic tickets and other value-added services. The cardholder may register for and login to the UnionPay App by way of the China UnionPay website, mobile phone or other terminals.

After your UnionPay account registration is successful, linking of a bank card shall be carried out before all the value-added services provided by the UnionPay App may be used.

“UnionPay App Internet Payment Platform” refers to a fundamental platform for mobile payment in banking industry jointly built by joint members of China UnionPay, which realizes the outputting of mobile payment capacity to customer terminals of UnionPay members, the sharing of operating capacity and the opening of acceptance scenarios through modules, and meanwhile provides users with various payment application services for online and offline transactions to realize a unified payment experience.

“UnionPay App Internet Payment” refers to QR code payment, QR code transfer, remote controls payment, and remote transfer services initiated on the basis of the UnionPay App Internet Payment Platform.

You know and agree that the bank card you link through the UnionPay App may be used to make payment in all acceptance scenarios supporting the UnionPay App Internet Payment after you activate the UnionPay App Internet Payment service through application servers’ channels such as commercial bank apps.

II. Points Services - Terms and Conditions

1. "Points" refer to a virtual unit that a User obtains according to the rules issued by the point’s provider, and include general points and specific points.

2. "General Points" refer to UnionPay points that UnionPay provides and is responsible for managing. The rules for points of UnionPay Points shall be formulated by UnionPay. UnionPay points may be used at all UnionPay point merchants.

3. "Specific Points" refer to points provided by merchants or third-party organizations that are authorized to be managed by UnionPay on behalf of merchants or third-party organizations. The rules for points of Specific Points shall be formulated by merchants or third-party organizations. Specific Points may only be used within the scope determined by the rules for Specific Points. Based on differences in the providing principals and scope of use, Specific Points may be divided into merchant points, commercial district points and third-party organization points.

4. You know and agree that:

1) You shall obtain and use the General Points according to the UnionPay Rules for Points (as shown in the appendix).

2) UnionPay has the right to unilaterally amend the UnionPay Rules for Points from time to time. The amended UnionPay Rules for Points shall be announced by way of the official China UnionPay website, and UnionPay is under no obligation to inform you in advance or separately. The amended UnionPay Rules for Points shall become effective on the date of announcement.

3) You shall obtain and use the Specific Points according to the relevant rules for points (as amended from time to time) announced by the merchants or banks providing the Specific Points.

5. Specific Points are provided by specific merchants or banks. UnionPay is only providing accumulation and issuing services for the points on behalf of the said merchants or banks. Any dispute arising from the obtaining or use of Specific Points shall be resolved personally between you and the merchants or banks providing the points without UnionPay being subject to any liability.

III. Discount Voucher Services - Terms and Conditions

1. "Discount Voucher" refers to electronic vouchers that relevant merchants provide and the User obtains by way of the UnionPay App. The User enjoys a certain price discount or offset based on the Discount Voucher when spending.

2. You know and agree that:

1) The Discount Voucher is provided by merchants, and UnionPay is only providing the platform for obtaining the Discount Vouchers or issuing them on behalf of these merchants. You shall use the Discount Vouchers according to the rules for using the Discount Vouchers (as amended from time to time) announced by the merchants providing the Discount Vouchers.

2) You may obtain Discount Vouchers by way of the following two methods:

Obtain by your own initiative: You download and obtain Discount Vouchers in the UnionPay App;

Obtain automatically: Under the premise of meeting certain requirements, the UnionPay App automatically pushes the Discount Voucher provided by the merchant to your UnionPay Account. The conditions for obtaining discount vouchers automatically are determined by UnionPay and participating merchants themselves without the need to inform you.

3. Discount Vouchers are provided by participating merchants. The UnionPay App only provides the platform to download the Discount Vouchers or pushes the Discount Vouchers. UnionPay does not provide any guarantees as to the authenticity, legality and usability of the Discount Vouchers. Any dispute arising from the Discount Vouchers shall be resolved personally between you and the merchants providing the Discount Vouchers without UnionPay being subject to any liability.

IV. Electronic Ticketing Business - Terms and Conditions

1. "Electronic Ticket" refers to an electronic voucher provided by relevant merchants that Users may obtain or manage by way of the UnionPay App. It may be regarded as the electronic form of a normal paper ticket. Users may enter cinemas, parks, exhibition halls, museums and the like that correspond to the Electronic Tickets based on the Electronic Tickets.

2. Electronic Tickets are provided by participating merchants. UnionPay only displays and allows you to download and use the Electronic Tickets in the UnionPay App or pushes the said Electronic Tickets. UnionPay does not provide any guarantees as to the authenticity, legality and usability of the Electronic Tickets. Any dispute arising from the Electronic Tickets shall be resolved personally between you and the merchants providing the Electronic Tickets without UnionPay being subject to any liability.

V. Forum - Terms of Use

1. UnionPay shall open the commentary function of value-added products at an appropriate time. You may post comments as regards the value-added services on the forum. You shall be personally liable for the comments you post on the forum. You shall adhere to all applicable local laws, state laws and international laws as regards being involved in the forum. When posting comments, you shall undertake not to infringe the legal rights of UnionPay nor produce, reproduce, post or disseminate information that contains the following contents:

(1) That oppose the basic principles determined by the constitution;

(2) That endanger national security, leak national secrets, subvert the political power of the state, and undermine national unity;

(3) That damage national honor and interests;

(4) That incite racial hatred, racial discrimination and undermine national solidarity;

(5) That undermine religious policies of the state, advocate cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) That spread rumors, disrupt social order and undermine social stability;

(7) That spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abet the commission of a crime;

(8) That insult or slander another, and infringe the legal rights of another; and

Other content prohibited by law or administrative rules and regulations.

2. UnionPay has the right to delete or hide your comments if you post information that violates this Agreement or relevant laws and regulations, and UnionPay has the right at any time to suspend or terminate your UnionPay Account without being subject to any liability. You shall bear all liability for any loss or damage caused to UnionPay.

VI. Credit Card Bill Installation Business - Terms and Conditions

1. "Credit Card Bill Installment Business" refers to the business provided by your issuing bank to apply for the billed amount of your credit card to be converted into installment repayment. You may apply for and/or inquire about the business through the UnionPay App (depending on the business scope activated by the UnionPay App as authorized by your issuing bank).

2. You know and agree that:

(1) The credit card bill installment business is provided by your issuing bank that is responsible for the application conditions setting and the application reviewing. You must accept and agree the terms and conditions regarding the credit card bill installment business as set by your issuing bank before you can submit the application through the UnionPay App.

(2) After your application for credit card bill installment business is approved by your issuing bank, it is deemed that you and your issuing bank have reached a repayment agreement relationship. You should strictly fulfill the relevant obligations in accordance with the agreement and assume the corresponding fulfillment responsibilities.

(3) In the credit card bill installment business, the UnionPay App only serves as a channel for information transmission between you and your issuing bank, and does not bear any responsibility for signing and fulfilling the credit card bill installment agreement between you and your issuing bank.

(4) After the application for credit card bill installment business is approved by your issuing bank, you may choose specific repayment channels at your own will.

VII. “Take Photo of Card for Rights” Function - Terms of Use

1. “Take Photo of Card for Rights” function refers to the function of identifying card number and card service level and getting to know corresponding UnionPay App rights by taking photo of your card or card sample provided by bank. User may choose to use the function of “Take Photo of Card for Rights” in the UnionPay App in the stage of linking UnionPay card (starting with 62 only).

2. You know and agree that:

(1) The function of "Take Photo of Card for Rights" is only an auxiliary function provided by the UnionPay App in order to facilitate your linking cards and know the corresponding UnionPay App rights. You may also choose not to use this function.

(2) UnionPay does not guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of the identified information. You need to carefully check the identified bank card information and confirm it.

(3) The rights identified by the function of Take Photo of Card for Rights" are only the UnionPay App rights corresponding to your bank card. You need to ensure that your bank card information is true and accurate before you can enjoy the corresponding rights. Otherwise, the relevant rights, even shown by the system, may not be enjoyed or accepted due to the wrong card information.

VIII. UnionPay App Payment Service

(1) Products and Definitions

“UnionPay App Payment Service” refers to the fund collection and payment service provided by UnionPay between payers and payees relying on the UnionPay App (“the Service”). The Service can achieve such functions as consumption and payment collection.

You know and agree that, after you register for a UnionPay App account, you must complete real-name authentication, link a band card and set a UnionPay App password before using the UnionPay App Payment service. To link a bank card in the UnionPay App, you need to provide bank card related verification information, including but limited to your bank card number, name, ID number, reserved mobile phone number and period of validity. Upon verification by UnionPay and your issuing bank, you can complete the linking of a bank card.

UnionPay will set/adjust your transaction limit and number of transactions on the basis of such factors as supervision requirements, your own settings, payment business scenarios, transaction objects, transaction risk control, location, control of bank credit line and authentication method, which is subject to the actual payment condition.

(2) Service Content

The content of the Service shall include but not be limited to the following categories:

2.1 Receiving-Fund Code Service

"Receiving-Fund Code Service" refers to the service that other UnionPay users can pay (transfer) to you after scanning your QR code applied for in the UnionPay App, which is processed by UnionPay to deduct the amount from the payer's bank card and transfer the amount to your designated bank card. The QR code under this service is called the receiving-fund code. This service is only available within the People’s Republic of China (for the purpose of this Agreement, excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).

2.1.1 In order to provide the receiving-fund code service to you and on the basis of the needs of transaction risks prevention and control, in the stage of linking a band card, you need to provide us with or allow us to collect necessary information such as your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number.

2.1.2 As long as you complete registration, real-name authentication and linking of a bank card in the UnionPay App, you may activate and use the receiving-fund code service.

2.1.3 You understand and agree that, the time of receiving fund under this service depends on the support of the banks and there may be delays due to holidays, non-working days and different requirements of the banks.

2.1.4 If the payment fails due to triggering the bank's risk control policy or other reasons, you are obliged to cooperate with UnionPay to provide relevant proof materials to the bank to confirm the authenticity and legality of the transaction. Otherwise, all the liabilities arising therefrom will be borne by you. If the funds are suspended or delayed due to the aforesaid reasons, please contact your card issuing bank.

2.1.5 You understand and agree that, affected by business development needs or service adjustment at bank side, the payment limits and the supported banks etc. for this service may be adjusted from time to time. Specifically, the official announcement of UnionPay prevails.

2.1.6 UnionPay has the right to charge you and adjust the service fee from time to time. The specific fee standard shall be subject to the official announcement of UnionPay. Service fees will be waived during the current pilot period.

2.2 QR Code Payment Service

“QR Code Payment” refers to the service that you make payment through “Payment via a Payment Code” or “Scan a QR Code to Pay” in the UnionPay App, and UnionPay may deduct an amount within a limit from the bank card linked to your UnionPay App account and make payment without having to check your payment password, SMS dynamic verification code and other transaction verification information.

2.2.1 You may enter and use this service and view related presentations from such entrances as “Collection & Payment or Payment Code” and “Scan” on the homepage of the UnionPay App. “Payment via a Payment Code” refers to the process that you get a payment code by clicking “Collection & Payment or Payment Code” in the UnionPay App, and a merchant scans your payment code to initiate a request for deduction, which is forwarded via UnionPay to the issuing bank to deduct the amount from your bank bank card and transfer the amount to the merchant’s designated bank card. “Scan a QR Code to Pay” refers to the process that you initiate a payment request after using “Scan” in the UnionPay App to scan the payee’s QR code, and such payment request is forwarded via UnionPay to the issuing bank to deduct the amount from your bank bank card and transfer the amount to the merchant’s designated bank card.

2.2.2 In order to provide the QR code payment service to you and on the basis of the needs of transaction risks prevention and control, in the stage of linking a band card, you need to provide us with or allow us to collect necessary information such as your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number; besides, you authorize and agree us to provide your issuing bank with your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number to verify your identity, and obtain the verification results issued by your issuing bank.

2.2.3 As long as you complete registration, real-name authentication, linking of a bank card and setting of a password in the UnionPay App, you may activate and use the QR code payment service.

2.2.4 You understand and agree that you may use the QR code payment service for the transactions within the limit of payment without password without having to verify the payment password or other transaction verification information. Please refer to the hint messages on the actual payment page. UnionPay has the right to adjust your limit of payment without password as per the risk prevention and control needs. If the transaction amount exceeds the limit of payment without password, UnionPay may verify your payment password, SMS dynamic verification code or other transaction verification information in combination with real-time risk control to ensure your transaction security.

2.3 UnionPay APP Controls Payment Service

“UnionPay App Controls Payment” refers to the payment service provided to you in the UnionPay App on the basis of UnionPay’s mobile payment service (see the definitions in Section 3 of this Agreement for details), and also refers to the service that you automatically jump to the payment page of the UnionPay App after an online merchant places an order and selects the UnionPay App as the payment method at the merchant’s checkout counter, and upon your confirmation of order payment information in the UnionPay App as well as verification by the UnionPay App (or the issuing bank), UnionPay will transmit your payment order to the issuing bank in order that the issuing bank could deduct the amount from your bank card and transfer the amount to the merchant. You may carry out such transactions as consumption and pre-authorization on the merchant’s page by way of UnionPay App Controls Payment.

2.3.1 In order to provide the app payment service to you and on the basis of the needs of transaction risks prevention and control, in the stage of linking a band card, you need to provide us with or allow us to collect necessary information such as your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number; besides, you authorize and agree us to provide your issuing bank with your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number to verify your identity, and obtain the verification results issued by your issuing bank.

2.3.2 As long as you complete registration, real-name authentication, linking of a bank card and setting of a password in the UnionPay App, you may activate and use the UnionPay App Controls Payment service.

2.3.3 In accordance with the business rules and the issuing bank’s requirements, the UnionPay App (or the issuing bank) will verify your payment password (or bank card password), SMS dynamic verification code or other transaction verification information. With regard to the transactions verified by the UnionPay App, the information to be verified at the time of your transactions will be adjusted in combination with the risk control needs. Please refer to the hint messages on the actual payment page.

2.4 Fingerprint and Face-scanning Payment Service

“Fingerprint and Face-scanning Payment” refers to the service that a debit transaction is initiated as per your transaction instruction after your fingerprint, face or any other payment verification information (if any) has been verified via a mobile device in the UnionPay App.

2.4.1 As long as you complete payment password authentication on the page of activating fingerprint/face-scanning payment service in the UnionPay App or complete payment password authentication in the transaction, you may activate the fingerprint or face-scanning payment function. Please refer to the hint messages in the actual activation scenario.

2.4.2 You understand and agree that, if you activate the fingerprint payment or face-scanning payment function in the UnionPay App, relying on the fingerprint/face verification information sent out by your mobile terminal devices such as your mobile phone, UnionPay may deduct an amount within a certain limit from your bank card in the UnionPay App as per your or the merchant’s transaction instruction without having to check your payment password or SMS dynamic verification code. UnionPay has the right to adjust your limit of payment as per the risk prevention and control needs. If the transaction amount exceeds the aforesaid limit, UnionPay may verify your payment password, SMS dynamic verification code or other transaction verification information in combination with real-time risk control to ensure your transaction security.

(3) Payment Information

3.1 In order to provide this service to you and on the basis of the needs of transaction risk prevention and control, you need to provide UnionPay with or allow UnionPay to collect necessary information such as your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number. Besides, you authorize and agree UnionPay to provide your issuing bank with your name, ID card number, bank card number and mobile phone number to verify your identity, and obtain the verification results issued by your issuing bank. Based on payment risk control considerations, UnionPay will collect your device information such as IP address.

You understand and agree that:

3.1.1 All information provided by you to use this service is authentic, legitimate, correct and complete. In case of any change in such information, you shall promptly notify UnionPay or make such change on the corresponding functionality page; otherwise, you shall bear all of the consequences arising therefrom.

3.1.2 When you’re using this service, your name and desensitized bank card information will be displayed in the payer/payee’s bills and transaction records, in order that the payer/payee know transaction information.

3.1.3 You shall properly keep your hardware devices and account information, including SIM card, bank card information (card number and withdrawal password, period of validity, etc.), UnionPay App payment password, SMS dynamic verification code, login password, gesture password, payment code (two-dimensional code and one-dimensional code) information, and biometric information (fingerprint and face) and so on. All economic losses, risks and damages caused by your improper keeping of devices or leakage of the above information shall be borne by you.

(4) Service Use, Requirements and Restrictions

4.1 You acknowledge that you will be deemed as having confirmed the transaction and the transaction amount, having irrevocably issued a payment instruction, and having authorized us to deduct a corresponding amount from your linked bank card once you login to the UnionPay App with your account, use the UnionPay App payment service, and issue the payment instruction. You’re fully responsible for the authenticity and validity of the payment instruction. You shall properly keep your account information, password, device information and mobile phone number, and shall promptly update the information in the UnionPay App in case of a change in such information. Any capital loss caused by your leakage of personal information or failure to promptly update account information shall be borne by you.

4.2 You understand and agree that in some payment scenarios (e.g. payment via a payment code), for transactions within a certain limit, UnionPay may, in combination with real-time risk control, deduct an amount from your linked bank card as per the transaction instruction issued by the merchant or the payee without having to check your payment password, in order to improve the experience.

4.3 If you’ve set the order of deductions on your own, UnionPay will provide services to you as per the order of deductions set by yourself, except for bank card payment failed or payment as per any order order of deductions confirmed by you separately. If you don’t set the order of deductions, in order to improve your payment experience, UnionPay may automatically generate an order of deductions according to such factors as your payment habits.

You may view and adjust the order of deductions in the UnionPay App on your own.

4.4 When using the UnionPay App Payment service, you shall undertake to comply with the requirements of state laws and regulations as well as the provisions of relevant agreements of UnionPay, to conform to public interests and public morality codes, and not to use this service for illegal activities or to engage in any act infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others; otherwise, UnionPay has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of this service, in whole or in part, to you without having to inform you in advance, and UnionPay shall not be liable for any resultant losses incurred by you arising therefrom.

4.5 You shall guarantee that all information provided in connection with this service, such as name, contact information and bank card number, is true, accurate, complete and valid and belongs to your own information. All losses and liabilities caused by untrue or incomplete information provided by you shall be borne by you personally. UnionPay has the right to require you to promptly stop or correct such behaviors or directly decline to process relevant payments without having to inform you.

4.6 You acknowledge that UnionPay has the right to restrict your activation and use of the payment function in accordance with the risk monitoring condition, the requirements of the issuing bank or the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to declining to activate the payment function, reducing the transaction limits and the number of transactions and suspending or disabling the corresponding payment function. UnionPay is not responsible for any losses caused thereby to you.

4.7 You acknowledge that UnionPay only provides technical support and switching settlement service with regard to the UnionPay App payment service. To be specific, UnionPay, as the executor and information transfer party of authorized instructions, shall not be liable for any loss arising from the UnionPay App payment service unless it fails to act as per the corresponding instruction or transfers wrong information.

4.8. In the course of using this service, any controversy or dispute you have with a merchant resulting from the latter's provision of a product, service, membership service or right is unrelated to UnionPay, and you shall consult and resolve the said controversy or dispute with the merchant on your own.

4.9 If a deduction fails due to the abnormal state of your linked bank card, including but not limited to the state that the bank card is reported for loss, frozen, amended or canceled or that the balance of the bank card is insufficient, please contact your issuing bank.

(5) Exemptions

5.1 You know and agree that UnionPay shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the following reasons, including but not limited to direct losses as well as indirect losses, loss of reputation and prestige, and mental distress:

(1) UnionPay is unable to provide this service normally as a result of the merchant or the bank;

(2) Telecommunication equipment or power system malfunction, or failure or delay in service caused by other third parties;

(3) Services are unable to be provided normally during the period of UnionPay’s system shutdown for maintenance purposes;

(4) Computer or mobile phone viruses, attacks by hackers, system instability, location of the user, switching off of equipment by the user, and other network, technology and communication connection reasons resulting in the service terminal falling short of user requirements;

(5) Force majeure: including but not limited to war, floods, fire, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, epidemic diseases, government action and all other unforeseen, unavoidable and insurmountable objective events;

(6) Losses caused by you and losses resulting from other mistakes not attributable to UnionPay.

5.2 If you find that any other person falsely uses or misappropriates your relevant personal information or uses the UnionPay App payment service you’ve activated without legal authorization, you shall promptly notify UnionPay in writing or any other valid form and require UnionPay to suspend services, to avoid or reduce possible losses. UnionPay will actively respond to your request. If you fail to promptly notify us, UnionPay will not assume any responsibility. You understand that your request to UnionPay to take actions requires a reasonable period of time to execute. UnionPay shall not be liable for any instructions executed and any losses incurred before it takes actions as per your request.



第一部分 接受本服務協議之條款

第二部分 本服務協定之通用條款

第三部分 雲閃付支付專用條款

第四部分 雲閃付增值服務條款

第五部分 其他通用條款

第一部分 接受本服務協議之條款

本服務協議的雙方為銀聯國際有限公司(以下簡稱“銀聯國際”)及希望註冊成為銀聯國際用戶的持卡人(以下簡稱“您”)。 本服務協定列明瞭您登錄並使用雲閃付APP(以下或稱“雲閃付”)的條款及細則,並對您具有約束 力。 您應仔細閱讀本服務協定項下全部內容,並對加粗字體顯示部分重點閱讀。 如您對協定有任何疑問,可向客服熱線諮詢。 如果您不同意本協定的任何內容,或者無法準確理解相關條款的含義,請不要進行後續操作。

第二部分 本服務協定之通用條款

1、 「雲閃付帳戶」 ,指通過雲閃付APP註冊成功後系統生成的相關電子帳戶,用於儲存用戶的相關個人資料、被連結的銀行卡資料以及使用銀聯國際服務的所需資料等。

2、 「銀聯國際帳戶」 ,指通過進入雲閃付APP權益U賞模組以及使用 銀聯國際用戶入口網站 ,服務時系統生成的相關電子帳戶,用於儲存用戶的相關個人資料、被連結的銀行卡資料以及使用銀聯國際服務的所需資料等。

3、 「帳戶」 ,指雲閃付帳戶與銀聯國際帳戶。

4、 「銀聯國際用戶」 ,指成功註冊雲閃付帳戶以及生成銀聯國際賬戶的用戶。

5、 「雲閃付」 系指銀聯國際直接向持卡人提供支付服務以及其他增值服務的持卡人服務平臺。 持卡人可以通過手機終端或其他支援的終端註冊並登錄雲閃付。

6、 「連結銀行卡」 ,指您成為銀聯國際用戶後,將您的銀行卡卡號與您註冊或生成的帳戶建立連結關係的行為。

7、 「通用條款」 ,指適用於銀聯國際在本服務協定項下提供的全部服務的條款。

8、 「專用條款」 ,指適用於銀聯國際提供的特定服務的條款。


1、 您確認,在您註冊成為銀聯國際用戶前,您已充分閱讀、理解並接受本服務協定的全部內容; 一旦您選擇“同意”,即表示您確認並完全接受本服務協議的條款約束。 若對本服務協議的內容有任何疑問,請致電銀聯官方熱線(中國香港地區)800-967-222或006-800-800-95516(僅支援手機撥打)查詢。 我們根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)發出雲閃付隱私政策中的說明收集、持有、使用、處理和轉移您的數據,經註冊後您確認您已閱讀並同意《雲閃付(中國香港特別行政區)隱私政策》。

2、您確認、表明及保證,當您同意接受本服務協定並申請註冊帳戶時,您已達到可訂立具有約束力的合同的法定年齡,或您經正式授權代表該組織或實體同意本服務協定及履行本服務協定項下的義務; 本服務協議內容不受您所屬國家或地區法律的排斥。 若不具備前述條件,您應立即停止申請使用本服務。

3、您同意,銀聯國際有權根據法律規定、業務發展需要及其他需求對本服務協議的內容予以變更,並以合理方式向您通知。 本服務協議變更後的內容一經公佈即時生效,並代替原來的協議內容,您須定期審閱本服務協定及其變更後的內容。 若您不同意銀聯國際對本服務協定所作出的變更,您有權停止使用本服務協定下的服務或註銷有關帳戶。 若您在本服務協定內容公告變更後繼續使用本服務協定項下的服務,即表示您已充分閱讀、理解並接受修改後的協議內容,並將遵循修改後的協議內容使用本服務協定項下的服務並履行有關本服務協定項下約定的義務。 您每次使用本服務協定項下的服務,即表示您確認並同意接受可不時修訂的本服務協議的約束。


5、您知悉並同意,在符合適用的法律法規要求的情況下,銀聯國際或其關聯公司將根據不同用戶的特點,通過手機等通訊工具向您提供相關資料推送服務,推送的資料包括但不限於服務資料、優惠資料、優惠券、電子票。 如您不同意銀聯國際或其關聯公司向您推送上述資料,您可致電銀聯官方熱線(中國香港地區)800-967-222或006-800-800-95516(僅支援手機撥打)解除該資料推送服務。 您也可通過「我的→設置→通用設置→新消息通知」中關閉行銷類通知或提醒類通知。




1、您知悉並同意,您進入雲閃付APP並成功註冊後,系統將為您生成雲閃付帳戶。當您進入雲閃付APP中的權益U賞模組時,視為您授權我們為您創建銀聯國際帳戶,並使用您雲閃付帳戶的註冊手機號作為銀聯國際帳戶的登錄手機號。雲閃付帳戶與銀聯國際帳戶共同構成本協議中的“帳戶”。 成功註冊或生成帳戶後,您將獲得銀聯國際授予您的帳戶使用權。 相關帳戶的所有權歸銀聯國際所有。 帳戶僅限您個人使用,禁止贈與、借用、租用、轉讓或出售,否則造成的任何損失由您本人自行承擔,並且銀聯國際有權單方面暫停或終止該帳戶的使用及/或立即終止本服務協定。


3、如您註冊或生成帳戶時提供的個人資料有任何變更,您應及時登錄帳戶更新個人資料,否則由此造成的一切後果由您本人自行承擔,銀聯國際不承擔任何責任。 如您的個人資料 (如登記手機號) 需要更改,您可能須接受不同的服務條款。



1、成功註冊或生成帳戶後,您可以登錄雲閃付、銀聯國際用戶入口網站。 但您在使用本服務協定項下銀聯國際提供的服務前,您必須仔細閱讀該服務的專用條款,並按照要求補充完整的相關資料,否則您可能無法使用該服務。

2、您應妥善保管您的賬戶用戶名和密碼,並定期更改密碼,以保證賬戶的安全性。 因您保管不善或未定期更改密碼而導致帳戶被他人非法使用,您應自行承擔一切後果,銀聯國際對此不承擔任何責任。

3、您應對如下事項承擔全部責任:i)保護您用戶名和密碼的保密性和安全性; ii)在您的用戶名和密碼下發生的全部交易和活動; 以及iii)使用或不當使用您的用戶名和密碼的全部後果。

4、每一個帳戶只能對應一組個別的用戶名和密碼,您不應與他人共用您的帳戶或您的用戶名及密碼,亦不應將您的帳戶或您的用戶名及密碼轉讓給他人或允許他人使用。為保障您的帳戶安全,銀聯國際會採取一切商業上合理的措施保護用戶帳戶。您亦應該不時更換您的帳戶密碼,及向銀聯國際即時匯報任何可疑的登入或交易。 您承認並同意,您與他人共用您的帳戶或以其他方式允許他人使用您的帳戶(“多方使用”)將有可能給銀聯國際造成無法彌補的損害,且若多方使用帳戶使銀聯國際蒙受了任何損失或損害,您應負責對銀聯國際賠償。 您承諾並同意,若出現任何未經授權便使用您的帳戶或您的用戶名或密碼的情況或任何其他違規安全情況,您將立即通知銀聯國際。 您同意,因您未遵守本條規定而產生的任何損失或損害,銀聯國際不承擔任何責任。

5、您知曉並同意由於網路的特性,銀聯國際無法對使用您的帳戶的人員進行核對, 因此通過您的帳戶在銀聯國際網站和服務產品平台進行的任何行為均視為您本人所為,您將承擔一切後果並承擔任何責任。 如您發現您的帳戶被惡意使用,您應及時告知銀聯國際,銀聯國際可以採取凍結帳戶等措施以保護您的權益。 您理解並同意銀聯國際對您的凍結請求需要合理期限採取行動,銀聯國際對凍結帳戶前已經產生的損失不承擔任何責任。

6、您知悉並同意,銀聯國際可能與商戶進行合作,實現您使用帳戶登錄相關商戶的平臺。 您登錄商戶平臺即視為您同意該商戶對其用戶的相關要求、規定。 您與該商戶之間產生的任何爭議,應由您與該商戶自行協商解決,銀聯國際對此不承擔任何責任。



1、如您不希望繼續使用相關帳戶,您可以致電 銀聯官方熱線(中國香港地區)800-967-222或006-800-800-95516(僅支持手機撥打) 或通過雲閃付App內的設置中心進行凍結或註銷帳戶的操作。 在註銷帳戶前,您必須支付任何未償債務及履行在本服務協定項下的尚未履行的義務。 註銷後,您通過銀聯國際獲取而尚未使用的權益將全部歸於無效,同時您將無法繼續使用銀聯國際在本服務協定下提供的各項服務。 銀聯國際帳戶的註銷不影響您雲閃付帳戶的使用。 如您不開通或希望停止使用銀聯國際提供的某項服務,您可以 致電銀聯官方熱線(中國香港地區)800-967-222或006-800-800-95516(僅支持手機撥打) 關閉或停止該項服務。

2、如您有任何違反本服務協議或法律法規的行為,您應承擔一切法律責任。 同時,銀聯國際有權停止為您提供本服務協定下的服務並單方凍結或註銷您的帳戶,因此導致的任何風險和損失由您自行承擔,銀聯國際對此不承擔任何責任。


1、您知悉並同意,銀聯國際有權根據《根據<個人資料 (私隱)條例>(中國香港法例第486章)發出的<雲閃付 (中國香港特別行政區)隱私政策>》(以下或稱“《雲閃付隱私政策》”)中的說明,收集、持有、使用、處理及轉移您在瀏覽、註冊、登錄銀聯國際網站或平臺、連結銀行卡的資料(如銀行卡號 等)、使用本服務協定下服務以及使用銀聯卡消費過程中所產生的個人資料、交易數據、商戶資料及其他數據資料(以下簡稱 “用戶資料” )。 一經使用銀聯國際手機應用程式服務,您承認您已閱讀並同意《雲閃付隱私政策》。 以上用戶資料的收集僅限於為實現並優化銀聯卡交易、改進支付體驗所須的資料以及直接促銷活動等用途。 如果您無法提供相關用戶資料,您將無法完成帳戶註冊以實現銀聯卡交易。 銀聯國際將採取必要、合理的措施確保用戶資料的安全。 如因您自身原因洩露您的用戶資料,因此造成的一切後果由您自行承擔,銀聯國際對此不承擔任何責任。 若對本條款的內容有任何疑問,請致電銀聯官方熱線 (中國香港地區)800-967-222或006-800-800-95516(僅支持手機撥打)查詢。


1、您在使用本服務協定項下的服務時應遵守您所在國家或地區的相關法律與法規,不得將本服務用於任何非法目的,也不得以任何非法形式使用本服務。 出現以下情形時,銀聯國際有權在不事先通知您的情況下暫停或終止向您提供本服務或本服務的任何部分,因此給您造成的任何損失,銀聯國際不承擔任何責任:

(1)銀聯國際認為您違反法律、法規的禁止性規定或違反本服務協議約定或《雲閃付隱私政策》內的相關政策; (2)銀聯國際發現異常交易或認為交易存在風險或有違反法律、法規規定或本服務協議約定的可能。

2、您不得利用本服務協定項下的服務從事如下侵害他人合法權益之行為,否則銀聯國際有權拒絕為您提供服務,且您應承擔一切法律責任。 如因此導致銀聯國際或相關方遭受任何損失,您應依法承擔相應的賠償責任。 相關行為包括但不限於:










第三部分 雲閃付支付專用條款

1、 「雲閃付支付」 ,是指銀聯國際向您提供,按照銀聯國際業務規則或髮卡機構網銀支付產品要求完成對您的身份驗證後,由髮卡機構按銀聯國際傳輸的您的付款指示將您銀聯卡帳戶內資金向商戶進行付款的支付服務,包括二維碼支付、線上支付、簽約支付。您因合理原因獲得的退款將會轉入您使用雲閃付支付時使用的同一張銀行卡。

2、 「雲閃付支付業務開通」 ,是指您在首次使用雲閃付支付時,在雲閃付或發卡機構授權管道(包括但不限於短信、電話等)提供銀行卡資訊和相關驗證要素後向您的發卡機構提出業務開通申請,您的發卡機構驗證通過後,由銀聯國際為您開通業務的過程。


您瞭解並知悉,銀聯國際僅負責為您使用雲閃付支付服務提供資料傳輸通道,為您和您的發卡機構轉遞資料。 您在支付環節仍應遵守您的發卡機構發佈的公告、章程或與您簽署的與雲閃付支付有關的協定。 如您對您銀行卡內的資金流向或狀態產生任何疑問,您應及時與您的發卡機構聯繫。





3、銀聯國際通過您的用戶名和密碼識別您的指示。 在您選擇連結銀行卡進行支付後,銀聯國際將向您連結銀行卡的發卡機構發送支付指示,由您的發卡機構驗證後從您的雲閃付帳戶扣除或凍結相關款項。 您發出的指示不可撤回或撤銷。

4、銀聯國際提供的雲閃付支付服務受您連結的銀行卡的狀態制約,如該卡因過期、掛失、止付、銀行卡支援功能限制等原因不能使用,相關服務將自動中止。 您連結的銀行卡狀態恢復正常並重新提出申請時,銀聯國際才會重新提供相應服務。

5、在進行支付交易之前,您必須檢查和確保所有與您進行支付交易相關的資訊均為準確。 您知悉並同意任何已完成的交易不可被撤回或取消。 如按您的指示執行付款,銀聯國際無須就向錯誤或非預期的商戶轉帳而承擔責任,亦無責任討回有關付款。 因此您須負責由您或由任何其他人士以您的用戶名和密碼登入雲閃付帳戶手機應用程式發出的所有指示。


1、您在雲閃付支付業務開通過程中,應妥善保管銀行卡資料、身份資料和手機資料(包括簡訊驗證碼內容),不得將銀行卡資料、身份資料和手機資料(包括簡訊驗證碼內容)轉告或洩漏給他人,否則由此產生的風險及損失由您自行承擔。 如需更改與銀行卡連結的手機號碼,您可憑您發卡機構要求的證件和銀行卡通過發卡機構指定管道,包括但不限於銀行櫃檯、自助終端、網上銀行、電話銀行等方式重新設置。








第四部分 雲閃付增值服務條款

成功註冊雲閃付帳戶後,您可以使用雲閃付提供的增值服務,部分涉及支付的服務須連結銀行卡後方可使用。 增值服務的使用受相關的補充條款約束。懇請您於使用增值服務前參閱相關條款。您持續使用增值服務會被視為默認同意受相關的補充條款約束。

第五部分 其他通用條款


2、您知悉並同意銀聯國際不就下列原因對您產生的任何損害承擔責任,包括但不限於直接損失和間接損失、名譽和聲譽損害以及精神損害:(1)因商戶或銀行的原因導致銀聯國際無法正常提供本服務; (2)電信設備、電力系統出現故障或其他第三方引起的服務不能或延遲; (3)銀聯國際在銀聯國際網站公告之系統停機維護期間導致無法正常提供服務; (4)因電腦或手機病毒、駭客攻擊、系統不穩定、用戶所在位置、用戶關機以及其他任何網路、技術、通信線路等原因造成的服務終端不能滿足用戶要求的情況; (5)不可抗力:包括但不限於疫症、戰爭、洪水、火災、颱風、海嘯、地震、政府行為等一切不能預見、不能避免和不能克服的客觀情況; (6)因您自身原因導致的損失以及其他非因銀聯國際過錯而產生的損失。

3、銀聯國際不提供有關本服務協定項下帳戶的任何保證,包括但不限於對以下方面的保證:i)銀聯國際用戶服務將滿足您的要求; ii)銀聯國際用戶服務將不會中斷,將具有及時性或不帶有任何差錯; 或iii)您就該服務獲得的任何產品、數據或材料均可滿足您的要求。



6、 銀聯國際沒有作出任何陳述表示任何在雲閃付上可閱覽的證券﹑產品或服務適合您或任何人士。您確認銀聯國際沒有唆使您使用雲閃付或因使用雲閃付而要求提供任何資料;及透過雲閃付提供的任何資訊並不構成及不應被視為投資、金融、稅務或專業意見。您應自行徵詢適當的獨立投資、金融、稅務及專業意見。


1、如無特別聲明,銀聯國際及/或中國銀聯股份有限公司的任何設計、文字、圖像、圖表、音訊、視頻、終端軟體等資料、材料或代碼等內容的版權均歸銀聯國際及/或中國銀聯股份有限公司所有。 如未經銀聯國際書面同意,您不得以任何方式複製、使用、出售,但如果該等複製或使用是出於使用本服務的目的除外。

2、“銀聯”、“雲閃付支付”、“銀聯手機支付”、“雲閃付”、“銀聯及三色圖形”、“UnionPay、銀聯及三色圖形”以及其它任何用來標識中國銀聯及相關業務的文字、圖形及其它可視性標誌,都是屬於銀聯國際及/或中國銀聯股份有限公司所有的商標。 銀聯國際及/或中國銀聯股份有限公司對上述標識享有商業標示性權益,受法律保護。 未經銀聯國際事先書面同意,您不得擅自修改、註冊、複製或以其它方式使用上述商標或創造相關衍生作品。





(1) 提供虛假、不準確或有誤導性的資料;

(2) 利用帳戶服務從事任何非法行為,包括但不限於網上賭博,不論網上賭博在您所在的司法管轄區內是否被允許;

(3) 利用帳戶服務對銀聯國際的關聯方或其他成員或消費者或服務商進行欺詐,或從事其他非法活動(包括但不限於從事被法律禁止的產品或服務交易); 或

(4) 以某種方式利用帳戶服務,該方式有可能導致銀聯國際、其他帳戶或第三方面臨投訴、爭議、索賠、罰款或其他責任,或有可能被視為是對帳戶服務的濫用。



(2)終止本協定並拒絕向您提供帳戶服務; 或





7、本網站可能包含非銀聯國際運營的網站、資源或軟件的鏈接。 使用該些第三方網站、資源或軟件的鏈接可能受它們個別的用戶協議約束。銀聯國際無法控制此類第三方網站、資源和軟件,對於因您使用它們而造成或據稱造成或與之相關的任何損失或損害,銀聯國際不承擔任何責任或承擔任何責任。銀聯國際不對任何站外頁面的內容或準確性負責,包括但不限於在本網站設置廣告的廣告商。銀聯國際於雲閃付上提供超連結至第三方網站,並不視為

• 銀聯國際同意、推薦、認可、保證或推介任何第三方或在該使用該些第三方網站所提供的服務或產品,或

• 銀聯國際與該等第三方及該使用該些第三方網站有任何形式的合作。如您與該使用該些第三方網站的供應者訂立任何合約安排,銀聯國際並非此等安排的其中一方,除非銀聯國際明確表明或同意。


銀聯國際未有或延遲行使任何權利、權力或補救方法,並不會構成銀聯國際放棄行使該等權利、權力或補救方法,而銀聯國際行使任何一項或部分的權利、權力或補救方法,亦不會排除銀聯國際行使其他或進一步行使權利、權力或補救方法。 本服務協定下的任何權利、權力或補救方法應被視為法律授予銀聯國際以外,銀聯國際可享有的額外及累積的權利、權力或補救方法。






本服務協定受中國香港法律管轄並按其詮釋。 雙方同意盡合理努力,協商解決任何因本服務協議產生或與之相關的爭議; 若協商不成,雙方同意服從中國香港法院的專屬管轄權。


如果本服務協定的任何條款被認定為無效、不合法或不可執行,本服務協定其餘條款仍然有效並具有約束力。 若本服務協議有多種語言版本,且本中文版本和另一語言版本存在任何衝突的,應以本中文版本為準。



第一部分 接受本服務協議之條款

第二部分 本服務協議之通用條款

第三部分 銀聯在線支付專用條款

第四部分 銀聯移動支付專用條款

第五部分 雲閃付專用條款

第六部分 其他通用條款

第一部分 接受本服務協議之條款


第二部分 本服務協議之通用條款

1、 “銀聯用戶” ,指在銀聯網站及銀聯授權的其他渠道成功註冊銀聯帳戶的持卡人。未在銀聯網站及相關平臺註冊,但根據銀聯與合作商戶的協議,使用合作商戶帳號登錄並使用銀聯產品與服務的用戶,在銀聯與該商戶合作期間,視為銀聯用戶。

2、 “銀聯帳戶” ,指銀聯使用者註冊成功後系統產生的相關電子帳戶,用於存儲用戶的相關個人資料、被連結的銀行卡資料以及使用銀聯服務的所需資料等。

3、 “連結銀行卡” ,指您註冊成為銀聯用戶後,將您的銀行卡卡號與您註冊的銀聯帳戶建立連結關係的行為。

4、 “通用條款” ,指適用於銀聯在本服務協議項下提供的全部服務的條款。

5、 “專用條款” ,指適用於銀聯提供的特定服務的條款。




3、您同意,銀聯有權根據法律、業務發展需要及其他需求對本服務協議的內容予以變更,不時對本服務協議進行修訂並在銀聯網站公告,而無需另行單獨通知。變更後的協議內容一經公佈即代替原來的協議內容,您須定期審閱本服務協議及其變更後的內容。 若您不同意銀聯對本服務協議所作的變更,您有權立即停止使用本服務協議下的服務或註銷有關銀聯帳戶。若您在本服務協議內容經公告相關變更後繼續使用本服務協議下的服務,即表示您已充分閱讀、理解、同意並接受修改後的協議內容,並將遵循修改後的協議內容使用本服務協議下的服務並履行有關本服務協議項下約定的義務。您每次使用本服務協議項下的服務,即表示您確認並同意受可不時修訂的本服務協議所約束。

4、您確認並同意,您在使用本服務協議下的服務過程中與商戶就其提供的商品或服務的品質、安全性、合法性或其他方面所產生的任何爭議或糾紛與銀聯無關,您應與商戶自行協商解決, 銀聯將不對此承擔任何責任。















7. 您知悉並同意,銀聯可能根據當地監管要求或發卡機搆的相關要求,對您的交易金額進行限制。










4. 您有權根據相關法律向銀聯提出數據訪問請求,數據修改請求,反對使用個人數據請求以及個人數據刪除請求。















第三部分 銀聯在線支付專用條款

1、 "銀聯在線支付" ,是指銀聯向您提供,按照銀聯業務規則或發卡機搆網銀支付產品要求完成對您的身份驗證後,由發卡機搆按銀聯傳輸的您的付款指示將您銀聯卡帳戶內的資金向商戶進行付款的支付服務。

2、 “小額臨時支付” ,是指在業務開通環節,如果您沒有向您的發卡機搆為您的銀聯卡留存手機號碼,則在您輸入的其他驗證要素通過您的發卡機搆驗證的情況下,您的發卡機搆同意由銀聯為您開通具有一定有效期及額度限制的支付業務。後續支付時,您只需在商戶頁面輸入銀聯卡號碼和短信驗證碼,驗證通過後即可在有效期和限額內完成支付的支付方式。

3、 “業務開通” ,是指您在首次使用銀聯在線支付業務時,在銀聯網站、銀聯或發卡機搆授權渠道(包括但不限於短信、電話等)提供驗證要素後向您的發卡機搆提出業務開通申請,您的發卡機搆驗證通過後為您開通銀聯線上支付業務的過程。

6、 “增值服務” ,是指您註冊銀聯帳戶或開通銀聯在線支付業務後,銀聯將根據您的交易需求和消費需求,通過銀聯網站、短信平臺、郵件平臺或電話平臺向您提供的推送優惠資訊及其他相關服務。

7、 “增值權益” ,是指銀聯或與銀聯有合作關係的機構向您提供的積分、優惠券等增值權利或利益。







3、銀聯通過您的用戶名和密碼識別您的指示。在您選擇連結銀行卡進行支付後,銀聯將向您連結銀行卡的發卡機搆發送支付指示,由您的發卡機搆驗證後從您的銀行卡帳戶扣除或凍結相關款項。 您發出的指示不可撤回或撤銷。


5、您在使用銀聯在線支付進行支付的過程中應當及時登錄銀聯網站查看並確認相關資料並及時進行相關操作, 否則因此導致的任何風險和損失由您自行承擔,銀聯不承擔任何責任。















第四部分 銀聯手機支付專用條款

1、 “銀聯手機支付” ,是指銀聯向您提供,按照銀聯業務規則要求完成對您的身份驗證後,由發卡機搆按銀聯傳輸的您的付款指示將您銀聯卡帳戶內資金向商戶進行付款的支付服務。

2、 “銀聯手機安全支付控件” ,是指嵌入商戶手機客戶端應用的程式組件,用於提供安全支付環境,實現無縫購物支付流程,滿足用戶支付、查詢等需求。

3、 “銀聯手機支付客戶端” ,是銀聯整合線上和線下資源、為用戶打造的遠程支付產品,該產品支援金融服務、便民服務、休閒娛樂、商旅服務、手機商城等各種內容應用。

4、 “金融智能卡” ,是指內置了金融支付晶片的記憶卡或SIM卡。

5、 “小額臨時支付” ,是指在業務開通環節,如果您沒有向您的發卡機搆為您的銀聯卡留存手機號碼,則在您輸入的其他驗證要素通過您的發卡機搆驗證的情況下,您的發卡機搆同意由銀聯為您開通具有一定有效期及額度限制的支付業務。後續支付時,您只需在商戶頁面輸入銀聯卡號碼和短信驗證碼,驗證通過後即可在有效期和限額內完成支付的支付方式。

6、 “業務開通” ,是指您在首次使用銀聯手機支付業務時,在銀聯網站、銀聯或發卡機搆授權渠道(包括但不限於短信、電話等)提供驗證要素後向您的發卡機搆提出業務開通申請,您的發卡機搆驗證通過後為您開通銀聯手機支付業務的過程。

7、 “增值服務” ,是指您註冊銀聯帳戶或開通銀聯手機支付業務後,銀聯將根據您的交易需求和消費需求,通過銀聯手機支付客戶端、短信平臺、郵件平臺或電話平臺向您提供的推送優惠信息及其他相關服務。

8、 “增值權益” ,是指銀聯向您提供的銀聯積分等增值權利或利益。











第五部分 雲閃付專用條款

“雲閃付” 系指銀聯直接向持卡人提供積分、優惠券、電子票等增值服務的持卡人服務平臺。持卡人可以通過銀聯網站、手機終端或其他終端註冊並登錄雲閃付。



1、 “優惠券” 系指由相關商戶提供且用戶通過雲閃付獲取的電子憑證,使用者憑優惠券在消費時享受一定價款折扣或抵扣。


1) 優惠券是由商戶提供,銀聯僅提供優惠券獲取的平臺或代為發放優惠券,您應根據提供優惠券的商戶所公告的優惠券使用規則(包括其不時的修訂)使用優惠券, 以商戶公佈的優惠券使用規則為准。

2) 您可以通過以下兩種途徑獲取優惠券:





1、 “電子票” 系指由相關商戶提供且用戶通過雲閃付獲取或管理的電子憑證,可視為普通紙質票的電子形式,使用者憑電子票可以進入至電子票對應的影院、公園、展覽館、博物館等。


第六部分 其他通用條款








































UnionPay User Service Agreement (United States)


Part I General Terms of this Service Agreement

Part II Specific Terms for Using Your UnionPay Account for Mobile Payment

Part III Additional Features and Terms of the UnionPay App

Part IV Other General Terms

This Service Agreement is executed between UnionPay International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “UnionPay”) and the cardholder who wishes to register as a UnionPay User (hereinafter referred to as “you”). This UnionPay User Service Agreement ( “Service Agreement” ) applies to your use of the UnionPay App and is legally binding. Please carefully read this Service Agreement in full because these terms affect your legal rights and obligations and limit UnionPay’s liability.

Part I General Terms of this Service Agreement

(a) “UnionPay User” means an individual who has registered for a UnionPay Account through the UnionPay App or website.

(b) “UnionPay Account” means a UnionPay User’s account used to access UnionPay’s services.

(c) “Registration of a UnionPay Card” means the act of registering a UnionPay Card to your UnionPay Account.

(d) “UnionPay Card” means a card, including but not limited to magnetic stripe card, chip card, magnetic and chip hybrid card, or similar financial instrument, which is used for cash withdrawal and/or payment for purchased goods or services with UnionPay Mark on the card face or card back.

(e) “General Terms” means the terms applicable to all services provided by UnionPay under this Service Agreement.

(f) “Specific Terms” means the terms applicable to the specific services provided by UnionPay under this Service Agreement.

2.You Accept These Terms

You confirm that you have fully read and understand this Service Agreement and that by choosing “Agree” you fully accept to be bound by the terms of this Service Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms you should immediately stop using the UnionPay App.

3.Legal Capacity

You confirm that you have legal capacity to enter into the terms set out in this Service Agreement (i.e., that you are of sufficient age and mental capacity and are otherwise entitled to be legally bound in contract).

4.Updates to Service Agreement

Please note that this Service Agreement may be revised and reissued prospectively by posting updated terms on the UnionPay App. You consent and agree to receive notices of updates of these Terms through our posting of updated Service Agreement on the UnionPay website, access to which is available through the UnionPay App. You should visit this page regularly to review the current terms. Your continued use of the UnionPay App will be deemed as irrevocable acceptance of any revisions.

5.Online Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide a notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by us in connection with the UnionPay App. Please view our Privacy Notice, which forms part of this Service Agreement.

6.Third Party Sites

The UnionPay App may link you to other websites belonging to third party merchants on the Internet. You acknowledge that (whether or not such websites are affiliated in any way with UnionPay) UnionPay is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, privacy compliance, legality, decency, goods, services, safety or any other aspect of the content of such websites. The inclusion of such a link does not imply endorsement of any websites by UnionPay or any association with its operators.


If you have a dispute with one or more merchant, you release us (and our parent companies, affiliates and subsidiaries, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents) from claims, demands, liabilities, costs, or expenses and damages (actual and consequential of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes). In entering into this release, you expressly waive any protections (whether statutory or otherwise) to the extent permitted by applicable law that would otherwise limit the coverage of this release to include only those claims which you may know or suspect to exist in your favor at the time of agreeing to this release.

8.Account Security

Any usernames and passwords used for the UnionPay Account are for individual use only. You shall be responsible for the security of your username and password. UnionPay is entitled to monitor your username and password and, at its discretion, require you to change it. If you use a username and password that UnionPay considers insecure, UnionPay will be entitled to require you to change your username and/or password and/or UnionPay may terminate your account.

9.Your Information Must Be Correct

To access the UnionPay App or some of the resources it has to offer, you may be asked to provide registration details. Your use of the UnionPay App is conditioned on you providing correct, current and complete information. If we at UnionPay believe the details are not correct, current, or complete, we have the right to refuse you access to the UnionPay App and our services, or any of our resources, and to terminate or suspend your UnionPay Account. If there are any changes to the information you provided to register your UnionPay Account, you should promptly log in and update the applicable information.

10.Deleting Your UnionPay Account

If you do not wish to continue using your UnionPay Account, please contact us by email at apphelp@unionpayintl.com or call UnionPay customer service at 866-567-5516 to request the deletion of your account. Before such deletion can be effective, you will be required to pay off any outstanding debt on your UnionPay Account. Any unused rights and interests that have accrued to your UnionPay Account shall be void once your account is deleted.

11.Responsible Use of the App

Please act responsibly when using the UnionPay App. You may only use it and its contents for lawful purposes and in accordance with applicable law. You may not use the services under this Service Agreement to engage in any of the following activities, including but not limited to:

(a)infringing the trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents and other intellectual property rights of UnionPay and/or any third party;

(b)violating any confidentiality obligations;

(c)falsely using this service under someone else’s identity;

(d)conducting unlawful transactions;

(e)using a stolen, forged or invalid account, including but not limited to a UnionPay Account, a UnionPay Card;

(f)using any UnionPay Cards in violation of any applicable card agreement; and

(g)conducting any sham transaction.

If you provide UnionPay any personal information, intellectual property or other information owned by a third party, you warrant that you have received all required consents from such third party to allow you and UnionPay to use, disclose and share such information.

12.System Abuse

Without limitation, you agree not to undertake any activity which may adversely affect the operation or enjoyment of the UnionPay App by any other person, including placing malware on the UnionPay App. You may not reproduce, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit any resource, or access to any resource, contained on the UnionPay App.

13.Violation of Security Systems

You are prohibited from using any services or facilities provided in connection with this the UnionPay App to compromise security or tamper with system resources and/or accounts. The use or distribution of tools designed for compromising security (e.g., password guessing programs, cracking tools, malware, or network probing tools) is strictly prohibited. If you become involved in any violation of system security, UnionPay reserves the right to release your details to system administrators at other websites, law enforcement, and/or government authorities in order to assist them in resolving security incidents.


UnionPay reserves the right to investigate suspected violations of the Service Agreement. UnionPay may seek to gather information from any UnionPay User who is suspected of violating the Service Agreement or from any other UnionPay User. UnionPay may suspend any UnionPay User whose conduct or content are under investigation and may remove such material from its servers, without notice, as it deems appropriate. If UnionPay believes, in its sole discretion, that a violation of the Service Agreement has occurred, or if UnionPay discovers abnormal transactions or believes that such a transaction is risky or likely to violate the applicable laws or regulations it may suspend or terminate your UnionPay Account, or take other corrective action it deems appropriate. UnionPay will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing UnionPay to disclose the identity of anyone making available any materials that are believed to violate the Service Agreement or the applicable law. BY ACCEPTING THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT YOU WAIVE AND HOLD HARMLESS UNIONPAY FROM ANY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM ANY ACTION TAKEN BY UNIONPAY DURING OR AS A RESULT OF ITS INVESTIGATIONS AND/OR FROM ANY ACTIONS TAKEN AS A CONSEQUNCE OF INVESTIGATIONS BY EITHER UNIONPAY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES.

15.Reservation of Rights

UnionPay reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, all or any part of the UnionPay App and/or any related software, facilities, and services, with or without notice and/or to establish general guidelines and limitations on their use.

16.Intellectual Property

The UnionPay App and materials incorporated by UnionPay therein are protected by copyrights, patents, trade secrets or other proprietary rights, and some of the characters, logos, or other images incorporated by UnionPay on the UnionPay App are also protected as registered or unregistered trademarks, trade names, and/or service marks owned by UnionPay or others (collectively, “Intellectual Property”). UnionPay respects the intellectual property rights of others and asks UnionPay Users do the same. Your right to make use of the UnionPay App or any content appearing on it is subject to your compliance with this Service Agreement. Use or modification of the UnionPay App or any other content on it for any purpose not permitted by this Service Agreement may be a violation of the Intellectual Property protected by law and this Service Agreement and is prohibited. You may access and display the UnionPay App and its content for non-commercial, personal use only. The content on the UnionPay App may not otherwise be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, sold or used in any way unless specifically authorized by UnionPay. Any authorization to copy content granted by UnionPay in any part of the UnionPay App for any reason is restricted to making a single copy for non-commercial, personal use only, and is subject to your keeping intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. Using any content on any other platform, website or networked computer environment is prohibited. Also, decompiling, reverse engineering, disassembling, or otherwise reducing the code used in any software on the UnionPay App into a readable form in order to examine the construction of such software and/or to copy or create other products based (in whole or in part) on such software, is prohibited.

“UnionPay”, “UnionPay Online Payment”, “UnionPay Mobile Payment”, “UnionPay App”, “UnionPay and Tricolor Graphics”, “UnionPay, 银联 and Tricolor Graphics” and any other texts, graphics and visible signs used to mark UnionPay and its relevant business are trademarks owned by UnionPay. You are prohibited from copying or using these trademarks without the prior written consent of UnionPay in each instance.

Part II Specific Terms for Using Your UnionPay Account for Mobile Payments
17.Definitions and Interpretations

(a) “UnionPay Mobile Payment” means the payment service provided by UnionPay to you through the UnionPay App that facilitates payments using your mobile device from a UnionPay Card issuer to merchants in accordance with your payment instructions transferred by UnionPay, after verification of your identity is completed in accordance with UnionPay’s established procedures, the requirements of the UnionPay Card issuer and the merchant. The UnionPay App may be used to make in-person purchases at participating merchant locations and for in-app purchases within third party mobile participating merchant applications.

(b) “Financial IC Card” means a memory card or a SIM card with a built-in financial payment chip.

(c) “Business Opening” means the process designated or required by a UnionPay Card issuer that enrolls or otherwise enables you to use the UnionPay Mobile Payment service with your UnionPay Card.

(d) “Value-added Service” means the push offer information service and other relevant services provided by UnionPay to you through the UnionPay website, the UnionPay App, SMS platform, mail platform or telephone platform.

18.Representations and Undertakings

You understand and agree that UnionPay is only responsible for providing an information transmission channel for your use of UnionPay Mobile Payment service and transferring information for you and your UnionPay Card issuer. The terms of your cardholder agreement with the UnionPay Card issuer governs your use of your UnionPay Card. If you have any questions about the flow or status of funds associated with your UnionPay Card, you should contact the issuing institution promptly.

19.Rules of Use.

In order to effectively protect your legitimate rights and interests when you log in the UnionPay Account, you understand and agree to accept the following rules:

(a)You can log in and browse the contents of the UnionPay website after you have signed up for a UnionPay Account, but you cannot access the payment functions until you have successfully registered one or more UnionPay Cards with your UnionPay Account.

(b)UnionPay only provides you with ancillary services regarding Registration of a UnionPay Card based on the terms established by the UnionPay Card issuer. The terms of your agreement with your UnionPay Card governs your use of the UnionPay Card through your UnionPay Account and any liabilities associated with such use.

(c)UnionPay uses your username and password to identify your instructions. After you choose a registered UnionPay Card for payment, UnionPay will send a payment instruction to the issuer of UnionPay Card and the relevant amount will be deducted or frozen from your UnionPay Card after verification by your issuing institution. The instructions sent by you are irrevocable or irreversible.

(d)The payment service provided by UnionPay is restricted by the status of your UnionPay Card. If the UnionPay Card cannot be used due to insufficient funds or credit or if the UnionPay Card was reported as lost or stolen, relevant services using such UnionPay Card will be automatically suspended. UnionPay will resume relevant services when the status of your UnionPay Card is returned to normal.

(e)In the process of using your UnionPay Account for payment, you should log in to the UnionPay website to check and confirm relevant information and monitor for unauthorized transactions in a timely manner, otherwise you shall be responsible for all the risks and losses arising therefrom, and UnionPay shall not be held responsible in any respect.

(f)Before conducting a payment transaction, you must examine and ensure that all information related to your payment transaction is accurate. You are aware and agree that any completed transaction cannot be withdrawn or cancelled. If the payment is exercised in accordance with your instructions, UnionPay will not be responsible for requesting the UnionPay Card issuer to transfer funds to the wrong merchant, nor will UnionPay be responsible for recovering the relevant payment. You understand and agree that you are responsible for all payment instructions issued by you or by any other person through logging into the UnionPay Account or UnionPay App with your username and password.

20.Important Notices for Use

(a)Financial IC Card cannot be formatted by computers or mobile phones, otherwise the use of UnionPay’s mobile payment software will be affected. If you accidentally perform the formatting operation, please go to the service center that provided your Financial IC Card to fix it.

(b)If you change your mobile phone number, please update your mobile phone number promptly in your UnionPay Account and, if applicable, through the channels designated by the issuer of your UnionPay Cards, otherwise you shall be responsible for all the loss and liability arising therefrom.

(c)The telephone and network charges related to this service shall be borne by you. You may not be able to use the service normally payment is overdue to your mobile service provider.

(d)You shall be responsible for any risk and liability incurred as a result of your unauthorized transfer or authorization of the use of your Financial IC Card to others, and UnionPay shall not be held responsible in any respect.

(e)You may not use any technology or measure to destroy or disrupt the normal operation of the UnionPay Mobile Payment application.

21.Disclaimer UnionPay will not be responsible for any losses caused by your own fault. Such fault includes but not limited to:

(a)Your mobile phone is lost or the phone number you provided when you enrolled for a UnionPay Account is incorrect;

(b)During the payment process, you do not review and verify the transaction information, which leads to an inconsistency between the transaction that was paid and the transaction you originally intend to conduct;

(c)You fail to comply with the terms of this Service Agreement or any operating instructions provided on the UnionPay website, including requirements to periodically change the password to your UnionPay Account;

(d)You do not properly protect your UnionPay Account information, UnionPay Card information, personal identification information or mobile phone information (including verification code), which causes the information to be disclosed or made available to unauthorized users.

Part III Additional Features and Terms of the UnionPay App

Through the UnionPay App, UnionPay provides UnionPay Users with Value-added Services such as providing points, Coupons and E-tickets. Cardholders can register and log in to the UnionPay App via the UnionPay website, a mobile terminal or other terminals. After successful registration of the UnionPay Account, you must register at least one UnionPay Card in order to use any Value-added Service provided by UnionPay App.

22.Terms for Coupons Business

(a) “Coupon” means an electronic certificate provided by a participating merchant and obtained by the UnionPay User through the UnionPay App that will provide the user with certain discounts or price reduction of merchant products or services if the coupons are presented to the merchant at the time of purchase.

(b)You acknowledge and agree that:

(i)Coupons are provided by merchants. UnionPay only provides the platform for obtaining the Coupons or issuing Coupons on behalf of the merchants. You should use the Coupons according to the Coupons usage rules (including amendments thereto from time to time) announced by the merchants who provide the Coupons, and the Coupons usage rules announced by the merchants shall prevail.

(ii)You can obtain the Coupons via two methods: Manually: You can download the Coupons from the UnionPay App; Automatically: If you meet certain conditions, the UnionPay App will automatically push the coupons provided by the merchants to your UnionPay Account. Such conditions will be determined by UnionPay and participating merchants. UnionPay and the relevant merchants may determine how coupons are provided through the UnionPay App in their discretion and without notice to you.

(c)Coupons are provided by participating merchants. UnionPay does not provide any guarantee to as to the authenticity, legality and usability of the Coupons. Any disputes or losses arising from the Coupons shall be resolved by You and the merchants who provided the Coupons, and UnionPay shall not be responsible in any respect.

23.Terms for E-tickets Business

(a) “E-ticket” means an electronic certificate provided by a participating merchant and obtained or managed by the UnionPay User through UnionPay App, which is the electronic form of an ordinary paper ticket. The UnionPay User can use E-tickets to enter participating cinemas, parks, exhibition halls, museums, etc. corresponding to the e-tickets.

(b)E-tickets are provided by participating merchants, UnionPay only displays and provides downloads for such E-tickets on the UnionPay App or pushes such E-tickets to UnionPay Users; UnionPay does not provide any guarantee as to the authenticity, legality and usability of the E-tickets. Any disputes or losses arising from the E-tickets shall be resolved by You and the merchant who provided the E-tickets, and UnionPay shall not be responsible in any respect.

Part IV Other General Terms
24.Disclaimer of Warranty


25.Limitation of Liability



You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the UnionPay Group and each of their officers, directors, employees, agents, distributors, and affiliates from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from your breach of this Service Agreement, including any of the foregoing provisions, representations or warranties, from your placement or transmission of any content onto UnionPay’s servers and/or from any and all use of your UnionPay Account or the UnionPay App.

27.Choice of Law; Dispute Resolution

All matters relating to your access to or use of the UnionPay App, including all disputes, will be governed by the laws of the United States and by the laws of the State of New York without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. You agree to the personal jurisdiction by and venue in the state and federal courts in New York, and waive any objection to such jurisdiction or venue.

28.Notice for California Users

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users of the UnionPay App are entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

29.How to Contact Us

Please contact us by email at apphelp@unionpayintl.com or call the UnionPay official hotline at 866-567-5516.


If any provision of this Service Agreement are adjudged, by written decision, to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire agreement between you and UnionPay relating to the matters contained here and the UnionPay App.